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Everything posted by frooty

  1. see you at AT aswell, along with chicken guilds :D
  2. LOL russian wow hackers everywhere, dont care about the server. When i started playing here, i asked a few people they said your ALLOWED to speed hack to level up #pandawowlife
  3. woah GD, now we can complain about stuff :D
  4. because they never fixed enveloping mists. wait next year (literally)
  5. frooty

    Vampiric Embrace

    just have work, takes literally 3 years to do one simple coeff adjustment? HueHue
  6. this server will loose most on the fun server popularity when m0lt3n wow and arena tournament comes out since there are no fixes for PVP here or even an english server.. Good luck loosing half your popularity, unless you start actually doing something
  7. frooty

    Vampiric Embrace

    still not fixed, nice devs we have here, bugged since 5.4.2
  8. frooty

    Vampiric Embrace

    bump.. still bugged
  9. i play affliction so this doesnt matter to me :D
  10. LOL..
  11. prolly sold the account then hes complaining about getting it back so he can sell it again lol
  12. has anyone actually tested it?
  13. confirmed +
  14. Warrior full geared: Dontnerfme Rogue full geared: Swagful PM Me
  15. Date : 2014-10-14 How it works: http://wod.db.pandawow.me?spell=76669 For holy paladins doesnt stack in pvp, but does in pve How it should work: Should stack on each heal in pvp as well Realm : Fun (all most likely) Priority 10/10
  16. im have 10 pc prideful with 1800 rating in 3s, not hard
  17. bump..
  18. bugged spell abusing in arena hitting 200k fix poelase
  19. 2c2 arenas?
  20. confirmed please fix
  21. relog.
  22. 1) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145072/item-warlock-t16-2p-bonus 2) It should: " Unstable Affliction critical hits have a 50% chance to increase all damaging effects of Malefic Grasp and Drain Soul by 15% for 10 sec." 3) Does NOT do anything. 4)10/11/2014 5) 10/10 PVE Set bonus should work for classes. Major part of the item
  23. frooty


  24. Does it have to do with "banned from chat"? it says the on the website: Chat is blocked: Yes(unban) for 50 points but I checked everywhere on the website didnt say i was banned, but i can talk in chat.. so i dont know
  25. when i try to leave group it says "Starter Edition accounts cannot invite characters into groups. [Click to Upgrade]" and sends me to blizzard site My account isn't banned and I don't know why It is doing this
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