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Posts posted by goncho15

  1. I think you have to send a message to a gm so he give you the title .

    "Titles will be given by GMs of your realm, for this you need to send message to your gm and agree on the time (you must be in the game), bonuses will be issued within hours.

    If someone has been excluded from season in connection with violations, then shift down the positions does not happen, the place just struck out." Said by juster

  2. You know what would be damn funny?


    Put soulburn on CTRL + C and soul swap to CTRL + V, so you would have to just CTRL + C and CTRL + V, lol.



    Juster said " its fixed after last changelog " Nope. is not , and i've RE posted ( i dont remember now who did the original post ) like 2 more times on bugtracker and still no answer

  3. I'm just waiting for absorb changelogs.. ( Disc's Shield(full mastery pros), Mw's Life Cacoon, Shields in general not getting affected by dempending)


    We still waiting for RoF , soul swap and we can continue all day .. i hope after cross realm system is implemented they finally fix all those bugs


    I'm posting this because i'm still waiting for an answer due this a gamebreaking bug .

    Aight so. There's been some few updates on soul swap. Which made soul swap much MUCH more overpowered.


    Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: Soul Swap Check changelogs.


    Description of the problem: Whenever you soul swap. The cd resets on the dots! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD1J...ature=youtu.be


    It also increases the duration on all 3 DoT's whenever you soul swap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNnd...ature=youtu.be

    How it must work: When u soul swap. It shouldn't reset CD


    Date when you tested it: 05-08-15


    Realm (x100/x5/Fun): Possibly on all, but only tested on 10x


    Priority of the problem: 10/10 Gives the aff locks. High and MUCH longer burst now. You can soul swap and let the DoT's reset everytime.. Which means. Unlimited DoT's burst.


    PS : i just re post this because juster said " Decline, after last changes, spell works fine. " but is tested it a few hours ago and still not fixed

  5. This bug is in all realms , sadly .


    - - - Updated - - -


    Damn , either you are retarded or dont know about resto shamans at all .Resto shamans are not bugged , healings are okay , that is why shamans are if not the best , one of the best healers in 5.4 , and healing tide totem was FIX , now is healing how it should .

    Btw healing tide is still bugged , it should have more health lol , learn about classes before do another stupid comment pls.

  6. Original post and Credits to Nemifest

    Aight so. There's been some few updates on soul swap. Which made soul swap much MUCH more overpowered.


    Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: Soul Swap Check changelogs.


    Description of the problem: Whenever you soul swap. The cd resets on the dots! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD1J...ature=youtu.be


    It also increases the duration on all 3 DoT's whenever you soul swap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNnd...ature=youtu.be

    How it must work: When u soul swap. It shouldn't reset CD


    Date when you tested it: 05-08-15


    Realm (x100/x5/Fun): Possibly on all, but only tested on 10x


    Priority of the problem: 10/10 Gives the aff locks. High and MUCH longer burst now. You can soul swap and let the DoT's reset everytime.. Which means. Unlimited DoT's burst.


    PS : i just re post this because juster said " Decline, after last changes, spell works fine. " but is tested it a few hours ago and still not fixed

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