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Posts posted by goncho15

  1. i think mmr system only works in 3s .. i was in que for about 5 minutes before i faced low team ( 1.4 k mmr ) and i'm not so high (2 k ) , but in 2s when i'm trying to cap low geared alt que pop instant and i face full people above 2 k .. lol
    • Like 1
  2. 1. "Ring of frost" http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113724/ring-of-frost

    2. Ring of frost almost everytime re- freeze the target and it also doesnt brake by orb & dots ( idk exactly which dots but it doesnt brake by orb dmg and living bomb also ). And you cant see where the mage places the ring while he casts it. And sometimes the ring of frost is moveing over the whole arena !

    3. Ring of frost should only re-freeze you, when you stay into the ring, not when you gonna trinket ring or when you get dispelled and walk into the ring again. On retail it had an Internal CD that doesnt work here. You should also see where the mage places the ring while he cast it ! It also should brake by dot dmg. It also shouldnt move.

    4. 20.05.2015

    5. x10, x100, fun

    6. 10/10 Makes frostmages So OP on this server. Example against rsham : Rof rsham --> pop orb and let him stay 100-60% hp while he is in RING and deep out of it ---> profit ---> 100% kill


    to point 3 :


    "Dispelling the effect of Ring of Frost will now make the target immune to being refrozen for 3 seconds. " --> doesnt work correct here.

    Please , fix it , is so gamebreaking

  3. Hahaha mages are fine ? I guess you play mage right ?

    They are the most bugged class on this server , starting with the ring , invocation , spell steal. Is not overpowered , it's called bug .

  4. When is ring of frost gonna get fix ? really is so so stupid and game breaking , i saw in changelog it was " re written " but is still bugged as fuck , i just wondering for how long we are gonna have to deal with this ridiculous abuse


    Can anyone link the website where i can download the addon called " say cc " for this version ? i only find for wod .thanks !
  5. So i dont really know what happened but , i can't see frames when i'm in group .. i've tried everything , relogging ,delete cache , even change my wtf conf. repair char and nothing idk what else to do if you guys can help me please i would really appreciate it , thanks .

    Here is what i mean http://imgur.com/Pf8UEN3


  6. So .. when are you gonna remove pve gear ? Fun realm is not supossed to be a pvp realm.. ? so wtf with the pve gear , so game breaking , locks with 1 mill health , dks 900 k and so on ..
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