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Posts posted by goncho15

  1. I think the retarded is you . Actually mages are one of the most bugged class atm , RoF doesnt break when you take dmg ,same as polly when a mage orbs in your face , bugged invocation , bugged spell steal glyph but ooh noo when a thing doesnt work , all mages start qq , so funny .
  2. Pues me parece muy mala forma de ganar beneficios la verdad, exijo una prueba de mis "cheats" y si no tienen ninguna prueba hagan el favor de desbanear mi cuenta. Si no me veré bastante decepcionado con este servidor.

    Mi cuenta: DarexPP


    Revisa los reportes mas recientes para ver cualquier cosa , por si acaso

  3. I would try to make some good reports and useful posts, then I would try to apply for staff, but, unfortunately, I heard from my sources that if you're not russian, you won't have a good time with the other members.


    I myself am very experienced with trinity core compilled world of warcraft servers, in-game commands and database.


    Gl if you are applying for staff , we need more ppl who actually care and report this game breaking bugs :)

  4. Lol this should be major priority , if you are facing a rogue in arenas and you are gonna get blind you just put that totem and he's gonna keep you in combat so rogue cant sap you .. idk what the fuk are devs waiting to fix all this bugs
  5. Want to sell frost mage ( 3 pieces of fire as well , and 5 k cp ) 550 i.lvl , it has pve gear too ,2 proffesions, tons of titles and cool transmogs ( inlcuiding circle of flame ) for min.
  6. because RoF allready get reported and RoF don't change the game at all.

    P.S : don't post stupid answer/comment to this thread!


    Really ? what an blind (..) you are then . I can tell you didnt understand my point .

    First kid ,RoF is bugged as fuck and ofc it changes the game .

    Second : My point is that you only qq about a bug when it affects you , plus the rogue says he's playing R/m so untill the bug doesnt affect you is fine ? LOL

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