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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrHE6_zqvGc I will tell u a secret, but don't tell anyone plz..(scroll down) /w Softice im from spain but shh
  2. https://www.lingoda.com/english?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc_text&utm_campaign=%5BES-EN%5Benglish%5D&utm_term=learn%20english%20online&gclid=Cj0KEQiAperBBRDfuMf72sr56fIBEiQAPFXszdS7QHxtLDlpom5Ihzj5Ln5x90DEF-EOKQ2suHfQQN0aAicq8P8HAQ thats for you
  3. its simple, im trolling and u are the retard Xd - - - Updated - - - that is fun lol, but it would be more fun if i was mexican
  4. heisenberg is doing a good job fixing pvp stuff
  5. because they are visual and they where fixed time ago, so should be ez to fix again a visual bug
  6. you should, most of people here like reptich are Xd
  7. garodar bumped here, not me
  8. nvm, seems to work properly inside cross realm
  9. Yes, cc's don't break by absorbed dmg, just by direct dmg. CC's should break even if the dmg done is absorbed by a shield
  10. you will be dead irl in 10hours, not the server :D
  11. hi there, im looking for drama, can i find it here?
  12. http://i.imgur.com/YcMDHU1.png all mage buttons? Xd
  13. Señorpujo

    Dk parry

    since the last changelog its been bugged for all dk's like this, maybe heisenberg fixed it properly this time, we will see
  14. thanks :D, i know is just visual but if it was working it may be ez to fix again
  15. i never used any addon and i didn't got any problems playing lel the only addon i downloaded this last year is ExtraCD, to see better when i have procs even i was already seeing it before using that addon
  16. what u don't understand on this post?
  17. whell, maybe i was so rude, but if u have eyes u don't need any addon to know what is your enemy doing or what buffs/debuffs he has
  18. why this is bugged if it was working some months ago D:
  19. you can use the best addon you have: YOUR EYES TO SEE WHAT IS HE USING LOL
  20. any idea of what could be bugged?
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