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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. Softice aka nemifust, you got http://i.imgur.com/l5btb9Y.png
  2. #warriors - - - Updated - - - I mean another bug, not this one.
  3. So, he teleports to you if he charges you during gateway?
  4. We don't have problems with portugal or france lol, then all countries have border and this trheat has no sense at all, he says that for mexico, and that's why i say "i don't get why u saying it if im on spain"
  5. Does warrior crosss all the map towards you if he charge from a lower terrain?, i saw this on bg, was so weird
  6. why boarder? i don't get it, there is no boarder in spain lol
  7. (not caps, just insulting, the title was automatically added) 1. Adlairo 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=44104 3. Rules: 2.2. It is forbidden to use obscene speech or rude expressions (including veiled form) 2.3. It is forbidden to use obscene, rude expressions and insults of any sort (including against individuals, nationality, race or religion, political affiliation of other participants). 2.12. Flaming against any staff or forum member. 2.27. Insults on a any political basis (country, city, etc.). 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167693&page=62&p=1225732&viewfull=1#post1225732 http://imgur.com/a/QyjWi
  8. he may complains about the warrior, because he don't use the bot properly or something x')
  9. lol true, its the same profile foto but is aldario XD, ok sorry noneedtorage - - - Updated - - - Where i said nigger? i said nigga, its diferent. - - - Updated - - - I don't rate the last if the last don't rate, simple - - - Updated - - - I dare, all these rap "musics" i saw in this trhead are totally bullshit, all where like the same song lol
  10. 1. Felxprod 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=48934 3. Rules: 2.2. It is forbidden to use obscene speech or rude expressions (including veiled form) 2.3. It is forbidden to use obscene, rude expressions and insults of any sort (including against individuals, nationality, race or religion, political affiliation of other participants). 2.12. Flaming against any staff or forum member. 2.27. Insults on a any political basis (country, city, etc.). 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167693&page=62&p=1225469&viewfull=1#post1225469 http://imgur.com/a/kQH6P
  11. 1. tell this to aldario --> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167693&page=61&p=1225064&viewfull=1#post1225064 2. im not gona rate nigga rap, cuz i already rated it in previous posts (all sound exactly the same). 3. you are fat
  12. why hate? lol - - - Updated - - - i don't play guitar Xd
  13. And you get results? at least i didn't till i changed the way i trained abbs. Thats a error on abb training, u can stay 10 hours squeezing, thats not how to train abbs properly, i can stay for more than 8 min holding for example, is what i was doing before i learned the properly way to train abbs, and its with fast and short contractions, thats why the 7s contraction 7s breath. While u are contracting abbs, you must also contain your breathing, creating a wall between your spine and your abbs with this air, 2min sustaining abbs is retarded because you lose the suposed stability that abbs have to do every time u breath, which most of times result in rounding your back and losing this stability u must have to estimulate the muscles you want to focus. Thats why the 7s non breathing squeezes, to stimulate the max your abbs. Just watch my abbs, i got these consistent abbs by doing that routine i said before, time ago i had weak abbs, wich where just constistent when i was crunching or rounding my back so much towars my dick, now i don't even need to crunch my back to get this wall effect on my abbs + they won so much endurance in his natural position, because i train them properly now by doing what i told u before.
  14. try doing that rutine i said during more than 1 month (im not sure how long takes but needs time doing all this), 3 times a week, you'll notice changes if u are constant, and ur abbs will get endurance. If u noticed, in my photo i keep my back straight, im not crunching my body to my dick, thats how abbs should work and thats why crunches are so bad for abbs, you get fat abbs that just are seen if u crunch, rock abbs are always there even if u don't crunch.
  15. Señorpujo

    Fear pathing

    yes, it happens with any fear effect, i got under map with warrior fear, lock/priests fear, or pal fear
  16. why Xd, anyway, if someone is interested on the best way to get abbs: 1rst rule: DON'T DO CRUNCHES, if u don't know what are crunches: http://i.imgur.com/eRaaHJC.jpg Any exercice that is like trying to suck your own dick is a crunch. Is the worst way to get rock abbs. --- If u don't have any abbs, the best way to build a wall on your abbs is doing this 3 times a week: a 3x12 rutine with progression (3 sets of 12 reps) From easier to harder --> Starter: http://i.imgur.com/ftf8ze8.jpg Each rep is 7s holding, 7s relaxing between reps like: 7s squeeze(1rst rep), 7s relax, 7s squeeze (2nd rep), 7s relax, etc. u can do less seconds if u cant affort 7s till 12 reps. Advanced: http://i.imgur.com/ZOS76vj.jpg (touching the ground with your knees) Fast movement holding the air on your stomach, not on the chest, while going foraward with the weel, then go back and breath, hold the air on your stomach for every rep, breath between. More advanced: http://i.imgur.com/e3GfziS.jpg (without touching the ground with ur knees) Same as Advanced but your feet are the support. In case you already have rock abbs and u don't see them, is because you are fat, the only way to see your abbs is with eating good, and having low % body fat, less than 20% is enough to start seeing something. 15% is so nice, 10% is god mode, less than 10% is steroids shitters. Ye, thats weird but i like workout shits :D
  17. Señorpujo

    Fear pathing

    in bg, u still get perma stuck if u get under map, and most of times is because they feared you near a mountain
  18. Abbs challenge: http://i.imgur.com/xUtb5KK.jpg Anyone who is proud of his abbs can participate :D Jonte this is for you
  19. hackuyama appeared :0, wtf your chair, i feel poor now with my chair #sadface - - - Updated - - - omg jonte, fuck me in the ass, u are so hot https://media.giphy.com/media/l41Yv0Mxe80KuO4dW/giphy.gif
  20. Señorpujo

    Fear pathing

    i fall under map on bg's if i get fear and my char goes to a declined terrain (not always) + the teleporting fear is still happening
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