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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. the guy that linked a youtube video didn't know how to link, so u just did a good fail ;)
  2. http://imgur.com/a/NTqA1 that's a good mog
  3. yes, cuz blizzurd is fuking retarded, they proved it by making the monk class, + with WoD and Legion by far. They fucked up more and more since pandaria patch ended.
  4. this could be you: http://z0r.de/2914 :mad:
  5. really? then whats the point on playing wow if cd's can be bypassed / botting is not insta banning
  6. add 0,7s GCD to orbs and problem solved
  7. now x100 works, how much for fun realm?
  8. thanks, so basically will be down all today??
  9. can u log in any realm? http://imgur.com/a/vCGwt
  10. niggrrss wtf - - - Updated - - - ye, the definition is correct, but the major part of hip hop songs i saw here where 3min of the same base without any change, 3min with 1 guy talking with a static base, which is boring as fuck
  11. I can understand english lyrics properly, but i like more to enjoy a song by how it sounds. Sad way to see the music, im sorry, its not about how many people like some music, its about if u like it or not, if all in live was about what other people think and not about yourself... nvm, thats sad enough. About lyrics, when i listen to music i don't search for lyrics, i search for a melody, which is music, if u want to listen a guy talking then go listen poetry or other things, don't call these nigga hip hop "music", cuz its just a guy talking during 3min without any change. Best example: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167693&page=53&p=1203939&viewfull=1#post1203939
  12. ah ye, songs quality depend on followers/viewers now, then is the best song in the world, fuck logic, followers make a song good and not the artist, sad. I don't give a shit about the lyrics on a song, the song just sounds good or not, if u want to focus on lyrics go and read some books
  13. hip hop may be art, what u guys link isn't, just nigga songs which all sound exactly the same bullshit without any change
  14. Nigga is a word which evolved from the derogative term "nigger" nigger: black slave man (derogative term) nigga: black man with gold chains, and other shitty stuff (swag term) Now my turn to ask, do u know what is music?
  15. any dmg on shields don't remove cc atm, shouldn't be like that?
  16. wrong reason. - - - Updated - - - cuz http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=198945&highlight=pujo+flood xd
  17. at least she is not here to read ur childish answers :0
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