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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. dk pets, lock pets, i think all pets don't benefit from haste in pandawow
  2. did someone watch the video? xd
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK27VHG-GQg can't log in fun realm but i can in x100
  4. Señorpujo


    move all to xfun realm nubz
  5. Señorpujo


    try to chaos bolt and then fel flame, i think thats the problem -- did u tried it?
  6. Señorpujo


    did i used incinerate? i know what u mean but i don't get ur point because i didn't used any incinerate in the video, just chaos, watch the video before say something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmlP0bU16rU
  7. btw, 500k disci priest doing 500k divine aegis with just 1 Penitence cast :') and 260k shield inside bg, any doubt that shield are not affected by battle fatigue? (i was attacking him so he was in combat but his shields not obviously)
  8. Señorpujo


    http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116858/chaos-bolt Sometimes/always consumes 4 stacks of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117828/backdraft when u end the cast, 1 more when chaos impact (im not sure if thats the problem) Should always consume just 3 stacks of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117828/backdraft Date when tested: the date of the post cross, fun realm 10/10 its enough with chaos/warlock bugs :/ video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmlP0bU16rU
  9. whats the pont on using pve inside bg, just tell me because u lose dmg - - - Updated - - - http://imgur.com/a/3xh3h my best bg :') btw 100% pvp set >>> any pve item, i've tested with dk and lock, idk other classes if u are lock and u are in bg, to deal massive dmg is so ez if u have alot of targets, any destro lock in bg will tell u
  10. really? lol u may got so pissed in that bg
  11. do u really think someone is gona read such long text?
  12. idk, today not, its so random
  13. he won't lol, people could be spaming calls all day
  14. really this need fix asap
  15. I may was understand bad what u trying to post here, i think i got your point (my bad). You say that maybe it should speed the heals, cuz every time MG deals dmg, corruption deals an extra tick with arround 30% dmg, it counts as a corruption tick, which should be 1 extra heal tick from the gliph cuz corruption is doing dmg I can show this with recount: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS60xzZpaNY , http://imgur.com/a/c9des 20 ticks from corruption (dot) which is the normal debuff dmg 11 ticks from MG, the ones with 30% instant dmg every time MG deals dmg so if this is true the Corruption ticks provocated from MG are not healing the lock atm, which would be a bug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS60xzZpaNY here u can see that just normal ticks are healing from the gliph, but not the corruption ticks from MG, but are counted in game as Corruption dmg, so it should heal ye (it heals 64p from something, idk what is that)
  16. see, u won't find any, cuz in all every tick heals
  17. try to find a retail video with the mechanic u saying, u won't find any
  18. Fake post, all corruption/inmolate (if destro) ticks will heal you for 0.5% of ur total hp http://imgur.com/a/Qw8TQ
  19. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=198359&page=2&p=1195899&viewfull=1#post1195899 end of the discussion, stop try harding
  20. i can't kill if there are 3 or more heals and we don't have any
  21. 2 crashes during bgs today. Any idea why?
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