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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOnlGhDccPQ
  2. learn to upload images http://imgur.com
  3. mhm, didn't noticed this in my dk never, could u make a video?
  4. it gets triggered also by heroic throw
  5. 0/10 is like if u posted this song 20 time (yes, all nigga raps sounds the same shit, i don't see any diference)
  6. cuz im better than u and than alot of people here :')
  7. i would add 1s to GCD for monk heal orbs, so they won't spam them 24/7..
  8. copy ur actual wtf config text into a text file and safe it, try what this guy says, if this don't work, past the one you had before and thats all no?
  9. cloack of shadow vs dots/http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Recuperate vs dots, keep with sprint vs pet.... pet goes way more slow than rogue with sprint talent, run away with sprint -> get out of combat -> get stealth -> gg wp, idk who is more noob here.. nabs - - - Updated - - - 2990 pve season 2880 with dk+heal, 2664 with dk+ret pal in pvp season, i don't know any other dk queing 2c as double dps getting over 2,5k
  10. u don't even play dk, any smart rogue won't give a shit about death and decay, blind/ http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1776/gouge and run away for stealth again
  11. already posted about this http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194106 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090 read all of this btw http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090&page=10&p=1169592&viewfull=1#post1169592 this was declined already btw fix gargole dmg http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090&page=2&p=1164853&viewfull=1#post1164853
  12. i just listen someone singing in nigga rude mode, im not even gona search for the singer skin colour to comment here, sounds like young nigga voice and thats all what matters.
  13. just saying 1c1 arenas would be a shit for some classes, and im right even if u do random memes u won't get right.
  14. portal with a dk, yes with lock i can do that but other classes won't be able to do this, dk for example which has no mobility at all
  15. get the eye and catch the rogue behind a pilar when he is spamming sprint talent to run away, ye totally
  16. also heals, and anithing that applies something to another player if its in combat, people get in combat bug because of duels, people that is in duels sometimes do area heals and make others in combat, wich make more and more people in combat in some mins, monks for example, when chi wave jumps out of the 2 guys dueling and heals another one, this 3rd person get in perma combat
  17. would be rogues in stealth 24/7 till dampening
  18. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=20021&highlight=plants+zombies
  19. http://prnt.sc/cxk0jb the energy of the clickbait is real
  20. well playing afli is not so hard, but its a good affli lock, i didn't said funk is the best, cuz for me there is no "best player", for me there are just good and bad players, and for me funka is a good aff lock - - - Updated - - - you play for me with ur bruhpujo char hio hio, at least get a good tmog :v
  21. there is a guild named "wow faggits", u may be able to join there
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