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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. did u just comment again to say that? tienes el pene pequeño
  2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=197854 just play fun realm, u get gear fast and u start lvl90 (about the title, idk why the fuck this title appeared lol)
  3. boiring taste of music 1/10 https://soundcloud.com/hardcoreyolo/angerfist-noize-suppressor-bring-the-pain
  4. it happens vs heals like 2nd wind or hunter 2nd wind for me (but just few times, its so random)
  5. so every time i go in game i must delete itemtextcache.wdb?
  6. what about this, how are we suposed to take rogues out from stealth
  7. ok i'll check it, but i use to delete chache direcly after some days, its not the same? btw u still play your dudu¿
  8. idk, it happens randomly sometimes
  9. bump+, i just notice this bug sometimes but its real, shadowburns that don't do any dmg sometimes
  10. its the same dmg as the dmg on your main target for me
  11. during bg i got like 1min frozen and then dc (sometimes, not always)
  12. man ur nigger music is so damn boring 0/10, its even music? (and every nigger rap i see sounds = boring)
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtfYPC4y43A&feature=youtu.be
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8PSe5C_5T8
  15. Aegis atm may be 100% of heal done + % of mastery + pvp power but is not reduced by battle fatigue, which is kinda retarded, 400 to 600k shields in pvp
  16. 3/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FawWPa3T1bI#t=68 :diablo:
  17. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=197789 this item suck, and u can craft other similar shitty glasses with enginering
  18. yes, kick licher from moderator members, he don't know his job, just read the chat on whisper.. http://imgur.com/a/MD8Vv
  19. Дкшавич muted me randomly+is horde+ hordes can't wisp aliance + sad kiddo :') fun realm http://imgur.com/a/MD8Vv You decline ur own report, do u even have dignity? lol http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=197782&p=1190670&viewfull=1#post1190670 You act/moderate on this server like if it was a mafia or something lel
  20. Дкшавич muted me randomly+is horde+ hordes can't wisp aliance + sad kiddo :') fun realm http://imgur.com/a/MD8Vv
  21. http://imgur.com/a/MD8Vv is that even legit?.. 100% that is licher :')
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