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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. why 90% of fixes are from russ reports D:
  2. u foget swearing (fuck and other hardcore words) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=196958 like this xd
  3. u talk so much shit, why the fuck i want cp lol, i already explained how is when i came for 10c10, but people is free to believe in wathever they want, if u want to think 10c10 is not legit, u are free to think that and be happy inside ur brain, but that won't make the reality work like u think. btw, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcqQC02YbY
  4. Roses are Red Violets Are Blue The bugs are here But harambe should be here with us too. #Fixpvpbugs
  5. i think the bug is the range of healing, it may be less than 40m but im not sure
  6. its reported already http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=109556
  7. 2/10 sounds boring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRddLuAwvqI
  8. idk about this, its just a posible way to be
  9. You are free to invent things, but thats not how it was. I already explained how was 10c10 rules, when no one want to be leader or some leaders are russians or retards then oakie or mops get 1 lead team cuz if not take years to get 2 decent leaders talking english, and if they pick me as first dps is not their fault, every leader that was picking dps picked me first, not just them.. depends on which team chose dps first not on this bullshit u saying. And most of times mops is 1 leader and we just /roll for the 2nd leader cuz usually leaders are retarded or don't even speak english, mops is always heal spec, so when he start picking heals and then dps, he full his team with heals faster than if the other team leader is not heal, just because is a max of 2/3 heals per team, that makes him chose dps before the other team and if he picks me all time is not my fault.. i sometimes got picked by another leader but just happens if the 2nd leader is heal also and picks first.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=P2PiwNRX6AM#t=12 Selfie with the wrong mobile xd
  11. reflect 100% - 80% of temple maybe, so 20% of the reflceted dmg is returned to the player
  12. Señorpujo

    Demonic Leap

    i am the sharpest burrito
  13. Señorpujo

    Demonic Leap

    "there are almost no negative bugs for them" well there are this 2
  14. fix the pvp bonus set for demon portals (15s debuff reduction)
  15. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=182528 what about this, its a main pvp bug and has been reported long time ago
  16. Señorpujo

    Demonic Leap

    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=178818 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=149160
  17. so the bug is that u have to clic even without the gliph or what u trying to say?
  18. the gliph remove the auto heal, so u have to clic
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