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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. delete ur pc with a hammer and buy a new one, then try again
  2. lags now? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRjLsII3NXo
  3. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=197077 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evCrzUqjCxU
  4. http://imgur.com/a/T99D1 aliance: 1 dps 1 heal 8 shits horde: 4 dps 4 heals 2 shits and like this alot of times cuz everyone is in elwin afk :')
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=224 The first to find 3 english fixed reports wins
  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=195730 Ye, when someone fall under map, now he get stuck falling and going up/falling permantly (on bg people get stuck perma falling, idk in arena)
  7. Señorpujo

    Chi brew

    that would explain monks mana going from 90k to 300k constantly in arena, even with dampening they spam mana drinks
  8. thug life zeox appeared: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=JTSyQyZ-nok#t=6 +
  9. http://imgur.com/a/WAAep its clear, RoF mana cost is not increased by the pasive
  10. all mana costs reports i made where solved, the mana costs where correct, except this one, the mana cost for http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5740/rain-of-fire is x10 bigger than it should
  11. all reports got fixed, ty for the correction i forget to + the basic ammount to the 300% lol, All formulas are correct now, except RoF formula then: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=196824
  12. oke i'll check this 300% increased All reports added with these 300%
  13. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=196958 Since when "fucked up" is swearing, licher ur brain is hardly damaged, fucked up is like saying "i make it wrong so bad", its not even swearing wtf
  14. because 80% are aliance (apply cross factions for bg, like already work on 10c10 rated bgs, just add it to random bgs also)
  15. fun lol, wtf is this question there are more people on x100 because of human % poblation reference, 80% of people in earth is retarded, so same in pandawow, but maybe 60% of the players are retarded and play x100 realm, just cuz they want to level up and get gear like retards in bg with 200k hp during 1 week, + no profesions or enchants, gems, i think they are extreme retarded
  16. 3% or 10-20%? Atm human dks have 27% when we should have 35% due to strengh, thats not 3% diference, and during burst this diference become near 20% parry, which is important as fuck vs war/rogue/other melee classes. Time ago u could def yourself from mele dmg by facing ur enemy and having the chance to parry a big part of the mele dmg, now its impossible, warrior and other melees eat your HP so fast because we eat all the melee dmg, even going face to face. Ghoul bugs are important cuz ghoul is part of the basic dmg playstyle of unholy dk. Chilblains bug is a 3s root that we loose, which make chilblains talent only useful for area slows, its like not having it when is 1c1/2c cuz u can't root your target to catch it faster. Roiling blood still don't work alot of times, every time u change ur target it bugs in some way and don't let u use your stacks to get runes, and even sometimes u can't use it. Death grip is 10/10 pvp bug, is like if warrior charge sometimes decide to not do nothing, that means ez ranged dmg on warrior. Conversion is unplayable in this server due to the CC bug that removes it constantly and because the ! macro for x2 ticks don't work. Unholy frenzy is our only burst buff that dk's have, and u saying that to remove a 3min cd like nothing is not important, what if we where able to remove warrior 30% crit buff, or warlock dark soul effects, then u would say its not important? Idk if u played dk but seems that u never played it.
  17. http://web.archive.org/web/20140111045543/http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=111546#modifies thats the link on wowhead
  18. Sometimes work sometimes stays stuck in "Connecting", idk i reset router and pc, i could enter world, but now stays in "Connecting" again. Now i closed it and opened wow again, and i did enter, kinda weird
  19. Name of the pasive? cuz no where says that passive increased mana cost. All we have related to mana is this: http://imgur.com/a/EjCkO
  20. Can u log or it stays in perma "Connecting" ?¿
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtfYPC4y43A&feature=youtu.be
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