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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-zuGDl2VpI] ... You already banned me once because the video u say, i got unbanned cuz i tested it myself and its not working the way i do this.. - - - Updated - - - Do u even think about other ways of doing this but getting the benefit? cuz atm the way i do it don't fuking work + your video is older than the one i made later..
  2. Shadowburn can be used with Havoc.. That can't happen, chaos consume the 3 stacks of havock retard.. (just with gliph to get 6 stacks) Its not a bug, is skill..
  3. Just fuking hilarious... http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&page=55&p=1121798&viewfull=1#post1121798 (Accepted unbann)
  4. usually, while making the teams some people leave, saying that takes alot of time :/
  5. bg/rbg totally Also u forgot about Ogrimar invasions
  6. Who cares of rating lol, i do 10c10 cuz its fun to fight 550 people and not to fight 300k players from x100 realm
  7. better play than you + ez binds = you suck, im sorry for you
  8. means: son of a female dog/bitch/slut http://prnt.sc/cdrdl4
  9. Felxprodx insults to relatives fun realm http://prnt.sc/cdraq7 , http://prnt.sc/cdrbgm
  10. why imp dispel don't work at all? he uses it all time even if i haven't any debuff
  11. I already explained how 10c10 works, at least how it works when im there, i never chose with who i go.
  12. whats wrong with doing 10c10? i don't get your point "Mopsxx and Roxi, pre-invite all the good people in their team, and with multiboxing, host a 2nd enemy team with only bad people, and again healers missing in that RBG, veri coincidence much cheat." In all the 10c10 i did with them, i didn't saw any multibox. The pick of players works like this: they made a 20 raid, with 4 or 6 heals (2 heals or 3 heals per team), then when we are 20, people who want to be leaders use /roll, the 2 highest become the leaders of each team, the higher roll starts picking, each team have to pick his heals first, once all heals are in their respectives teams each leader can start picking dps, one dps per turn, till both teams are 10, then both teams que 10c10 and its a real 10c10, i don't get the point on this post seriously. Tell me what are they doing wrong by making 10c10 games, at least they try to make 10c10 cuz no one plays it almost, it takes like 20mins to get 20 people cuz everyone is in elwin dueling or afk. What u said about multibox and farming 10c10 its just not true, come when they ask for 10c10 and u will see. About that: "Pujo can confirm there is ALWAYS people missing in one of the teams. Happens too often to call it a coincidence." While we picking teams, some people just get afk or goes away, dunno why, so we have to wait for more players to be 10 in each team, but usually we are 20 and we make 10 per team, the think is that when we join 10c10, some players ragequit. For example, when both teams face each other, and 1 team own the other so fast in the first teamfight, some players just ragequit. "they say only 2 healers" 2 or 3 heals per team, but always the same amount of heals each team, another think is if some heals are better heals than other, but there will be always better and worse players.
  13. http://prnt.sc/cdcjxc i know, its "life"
  14. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/385415243848551237/45F4EEA01ACF7312C5889D40587E496168EE662D/
  15. the pet in cc or the player in cc?
  16. What if i save the Data and download the rest
  17. can't cuz my gay brother is playing League of gayends
  18. i did reset the whole computer and logged again, still 4m ms, i'll try again later
  19. My character is getting 4kms, but when i search something on google it goes so fast, so it isn't my internet, any idea? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bapkDa3owE
  20. We already had this discussion.. im not saying again what i've said alot of times.
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