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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. Then any % of maximum heal healing spells have to be like that. Cuz same heal mechanics.
  2. Its fine atm, but im getting too much disconect's, and so random, 4 in a row in less than 1hour. Any idea why?
  3. wtf is going on here - - - Updated - - - Thats exactly why i made this post, but someone started saying guardian spirit is the unique spell not afected by battle fatigue..
  4. Thats why i made the Guardian spirit report, in the video the priest gain exactly 50% of his hp, without any reduction, while death pact and other % of maximum health healing spells are all reduced by battle fatigue. Thats why i ask here, or all this kind of spells are afected, or none of them.
  5. Ye i should have upload a video, good post
  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194788 nice
  7. Or ALL spells get battle fatigue or none of them.
  8. I just correct your post
  9. How does frustration feels? cuz i think you are trying so hard to change gargolye retail mechanic
  10. stop trying.. everyone can see in the videos that garogle casts while moving.
  11. what u don't get here, he casts moving, gargoyle throws his cast instantly when he stops, that means he was casting the 2s while moving, stop trying to fake report.
  12. Then the others also shouldn't, all of them have the same % of maximum health mechanic.
  13. Any of these % maximum heal spells should be affected by battle fatigue then? http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=47788/guardian-spirit http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48743/death-pact http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=19236/desperate-prayer http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=109304/exhilaration
  14. why u don't answer here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=185930&page=2&p=1173174&viewfull=1#post1173174 ??
  15. 1. http://web.archive.org/web/20131219023658/http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55078/blood-plague 2. Formula is a litle lower than in retail 3. Correct forumla should be: AP = 1724 1724x15,8 /100 = 272,392 (15,8% AP) 272,392+197 = 469,392 (197+15,8% AP) 469,392x20 /100 = 93,8784 (mastery increase for shadow dmg) 469,392+93,8784 = 563,2704 (Blood plague dmg + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77515/mastery-dreadblade without Ebon plaguebringer (60% extra Deseases dmg: http://prnt.sc/caagja) 563,2704x60 /100 = 337,96224 (Ebon plaguebringer dmg increase amount (60%)) 563,2704+337,96224 = 901,23264 (Retail Blood plague dmg with 1724 attack power) Dmg in pandawow = 900,0p -->Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EfB3tlt70U 4. Fun realm 5. Prio 10/10 , 1p less dmg = more less dmg with 550 set + procs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. http://web.archive.org/web/20140208141200/http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55095/frost-fever 2. Formula is a litle lower than in retail 3. Correct forumla should be: AP = 1724 1724x15,8 /100 = 272,392 (15,8% AP) 272,392+166 = 438,392 (197+15,8% AP) 438,392x60 /100 = 263,0352 (Ebon plaguebringer dmg increase amount (60%)) 438,392+263,0352 = 701,4272 (Retail Frost fever dmg with 1724 attack power) Dmg in pandawow = 700,0p -->Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EfB3tlt70U 4. Fun realm 5. Prio 10/10 , 1p less dmg = more less dmg with 550 set + procs
  16. Then i should report all this % heals, no?
  17. 1. http://web.archive.org/web/20140713143735/http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=43265/death-and-decay 2. Formula is lower than in retail 3. Correct forumla should be: AP = 1724 1724x6,4 /100 = 110,336 (6,4% AP) 110,336+51 = 161,336 (51+6,4% AP) 161x20 /100 = 32,2672 (mastery increase for shadow dmg) So: 161,336 + 32,2672 = 193,6032 Retail Death and decay dmg with 1724 attack power Dmg in pandawow = 174p ---->Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhefbBCN3GU 4. Fun realm 5. Prio 9,9/10, all dmg formulas should be retail, consider 20p in naked set, full 550 gear with procs would be more dmg diference.
  18. Then http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48743/death-pact also shouldn't be affected by battle fatigue following your argument, so i should heal 50% of my hp (335k) with death pact. Its that what u mean? Tell me, because if that's true http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48743/death-pact is bugged. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=19236/desperate-prayer also would be bugged, cuz atm is affected by battle fatigue http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=109304/exhilaration also would be bugged, its also affected by battle fatigue. All this % heal spells area fected by battle fatigue, but not http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=47788/guardian-spirit, and you are the retail player that knows everything how should be? lol u are so sad
  19. No one cares, all reports have to be with proffs, and all the videos we saw here where about gargoyle casting while moving if the target goes away
  20. In all the videos that people linked here, gargole moved while casting when his target was going away, this post is wrong, just deal with it.
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