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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. ... mind control instakill hack + teleport hack fun realm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXcyTavV-DU
  2. porke se lo toman a cachondeo la mayoria, no miran guias o se lo curran etc. si yo llegue a 2,979 maximo, i a 2.8+ 2 veces
  3. the videos are not from pandawow lol, they are retail videos that Neff found
  4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090&page=2&p=1164853&viewfull=1#post1164853 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090&page=2&p=1164923&viewfull=1#post1164923 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090&page=3&p=1164937&viewfull=1#post1164937 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090&page=10&p=1169592&viewfull=1#post1169592 Its clear on the videos, stop posting about this. we are in mop btw, not in wod or legion or ptr
  5. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55078/blood-plague#changelog http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55095/frost-fever#changelog http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=43265/death-and-decay#changelog (this is weird) can't find mop formulas for these spells
  6. thats a pandawow video, u need retail videos
  7. juster, what about http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193883 ? Btw u know if zeox recieved my message about how its Mind control insta kill hack done?
  8. Emeregieldo spam fun realm http://prnt.sc/c7slc7
  9. its fun to see how i rekted you and u got out of any argument JAJA
  10. Shylya spam fun realm http://prnt.sc/c7sipe
  11. Clickhimself spam WTS on english chat fun realm http://prnt.sc/c7si9u also he is saying someones account password: http://prnt.sc/c7sk3n
  12. IN PANDAWOW PVE TRINKET + GLIPH = 0s CD NOOB, YOU CAN TEST IT im not defending him, im saying how it works in pandawow, you are just noob
  13. report it, also rogues keep autoattacks even if they are under stun effect (if u are in front of the roghe)
  14. warrior dmg in retail is a joke.. all his hits where under 33k, except slams that where about 70k here is fuking broken lol
  15. Todos odiamos a los russos porke son mancos. Los "ingleses" odian a los españoles porke somos superiores. Fin
  16. Señorpujo

    Dk parry

    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=182571 DK parry % scaling Nothing changed, its still bugged: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193234&p=1168831&viewfull=1#post1168831 (check the changelog). Idk what does "Удаление пассивной способности Сила уклонения т.к из-за нее багалось парирование у ДК-нежити. = Removing the passive ability http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=49410 because of it were bugged parry chance of DK-undead" (english translation), but in my human dk, parry % its exactly the same since it got bugged on human dk's, long time ago. Since the bug i've been with 27% parry, self buffs+strengh gems respecting rune bonuses with 30,9k strengh (without potions). Notice that a warrior with 0 strength gems has 21.594 strengh with 24.62% parry, check my dk: http://prnt.sc/c7g5dj 31k strengh with 27% parry. (almost 10k strengh diference = 2,50% parry? parry scaling from strengh on dks is not working at all). War with 21.594 strengh = 24.62% parry Frost dk with 24.505 strengh = 22,44% parry (http://prnt.sc/cf5ps1) = scaling on dks is fuking bugged - *parar = parry - Parry on 550ilvl dk with strengh gems should be arround 35% (depending on gems respecting bonus or pure strengh gems) fun realm 7/10 important vs mele
  17. so, almost 10k strengh diference = 2,4% parry, nice fix (sarcasm)
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