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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. and how much parry % with that strengh?
  2. nope, all races had correct parry % eccept humans as i showed clearly in this report: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=182571 if they did what i think, they just make all dk races get human bugged parry, not fixing it at all, they cannot remove a pasive because yes lol, they have to fix it wtf is that joke? Can someone tell me how much strengh has a warrior 550 ilvl without strengh gems and without any pve item?
  3. "Removing the passive ability undefined because of it were bugged parry chance of DK-undead." ?? so now all dks have lower parry than it should or what? Cuz i still have 27% parry with 550 ilvl, when should be 35% screenshot made just right now: http://prnt.sc/c7g5dj 31k strengh and 27% parry... how much strengh have a full 550 warrior? and they all have 25% parry without even using strengh gems, dk parry is still bugged..
  4. Удаление пассивной способности Сила уклонения т.к из-за нее багалось парирование у ДК-нежити. = Removal of passive abilities http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=49410 unnecessarily because of her Bagan parry from DK-undead. Wtf does this mean, i still have the same bugged low parry on my dk, nothing changed
  5. u need to have them, if u don't have a item u can't tmog it, cheat engine its not free tmogs, u just can tmog what u have in your bag/bank - - - Updated - - - CE is alot better
  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=187038 not just mage, all DR with spameable cc
  7. if they know how it works, maybe they can block it in some way
  8. but if they know how it works would be easier to fix it, i wish
  9. this video says its 5.4.8, but what is that green buff i see in some of warlock pandaria videos? Green buff: http://prnt.sc/c7cg60 TITLE: question, nothing about messages
  10. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193833 Learn from this report and u won't get you account hacked/scammed. Its the 3rd time i recieve a scam link, it can be a fake "facebook" link, moonfruit, or any other website that is not pandawow oficial website. Be sure that u are in: http://pandawow.ru to know if you are in the oficial pandawow website, don't trust any other diferent websites.
  11. this bug its "fixed but not applied", i want to see it applied omg
  12. Roguexrogue Sending SCAM website on wisp: http://bonushackpandawow.moonfruit.com (DON'T PUT UR PASSWORD IN THIS KIND OF LINKS NEVER) fun realm screenshot: http://prnt.sc/c7bwsp Comment: guys alot of people got hacked by shits like that, don't never put your email and wow password in any other websites, you just can trust pandawow oficial website ( http://pandawow.ru ), any other website can be scam, be carefull.
  13. you should write the macro in the report
  14. Señorpujo

    Unholy frenzy

    1.http://wow.gamepedia.com/Unholy_Frenzy 2. a) It can be dispeled by spells that remove "rage effects". b) Can be dispeled by gliphs that remove dmg effects on your target like: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115078/paralysis gliph, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=118/polymorph gliph, and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=2094/blind gliph (just see the video to understand) 3. Should not be dispeleable at all, its a 3min cd, its not an enrage effect since patch 5.0.4: "MoP Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): No longer an Enrage effect."), and should not be dispeleable by any of the mentioned gliphs. 4. fun realm 20/10 DK burst depends alot on that spell a) video for enrage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSbNoTIV-Hg b) video for gliphs that remove dmg debuffs on your target for http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=118/polymorph, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115078/paralysis and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=2094/blind : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVaVJ7Vz9gQ comment: another nerfing bug for "op" dk's
  15. http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=10657/ride-the-lightning quest is missing fun realm http://prnt.sc/c78ue3
  16. i luv u john cena, but i can't see you so i cry - - - Updated - - - if his inbox was full i just could not send him any message, like happens with juster
  17. ye, mind control kill hack its everywhere :/
  18. i know, im not posting it here in any case, but its frustrating to get no answer.
  19. I've send how to do the mind control hack to zeox but no answer in 4 days, should i post it in forum so they will fuking listen me or what lol
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