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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. maybe its ur pc that can't hold it, if not just be sure u download properly the game
  2. they have to farm it, losing more time in game, thats the main retail playstyle problem in my opinion, the gold, and the lack of basic pvp set, profesions and enchants for all - - - Updated - - - IoC: go mid then AV: def the boss then :v
  3. thats exactly what i think about leveling and getting basic pvp set, its a big lose of time, better to play like fun realm
  4. Now u complain about x100 people for not having starter tiranic gear for free? xd
  5. unh+afli winning dk + rdud but also warrior + heal monk 550 comps #yolo http://prnt.sc/c0l3c2 http://prnt.sc/c0l3x5
  6. http://prnt.sc/c0l05a #Kroz got it yesterday :D *Muertes con honor = Kills with honor
  7. that was bugged since 5.4.2 lel
  8. Formula was higher before, they nerfed it = no blizzlike so 8/10 cuz random nerf.. is this server blizzlike or not? lol
  9. so what happens here? its formula wrong or not?
  10. http://www.wowdb.com/spells/107072-epicurean for food if he was pandaren about sayge buffs: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=155154&highlight=sayge everyone can take all of them at the end of every month no? http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=176883&page=2&highlight=sayge+buffs http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=172604&highlight=sayge+buffs http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=166554&highlight=sayge+buffs
  11. get 2 weps as melee, u will see 3% hit cap for spells, 20% hit cap for melee autoattacks
  12. exactly, how u gona cap 23% when u use 2 weps even with full hit gems - - - Updated - - - Removing hit its not imposible, u know why, cuz time ago was bugged and u could have 1% hit being caster and fail 0, they just fixed it so we have to lose stats to cap 6% shit
  13. Remove the hit % chance, its anoying as fuck in pvp if u are a caster, and even more anoying in pve, u need like 12% hit in pve for 0 miss
  14. EXACLTY, keep pvp initial stuff, gems, fast profesions, gliphs, and enchants. BUT making pve content like if it was retail, without pve npcs, and ofc making pve main raids for these items work, so no cross problems, everyone starts with basic stuff for pvp, but without any help for pve and alot of server problems would be solved i think. 1 realm = less bugs maybe.
  15. Just remove x100 realm and add pve content properly in fun realm (pve npc out but dungeons working to get the pve items), and gg all cross problems and gear problems solved, + pve working = perfect server. Basic pvp stuff, gems, enchants and fast profesions for balanced start on pvp, but properly blizzlike pve content for pve items and other pve stuff like in retail, so there won't be cross problems and other things.
  16. Players like Kroz don't wanna fight vs people with same gear, gems, enchants, and oportunity to play in 100% balanced fight, he want to get 550 set, all gems and enchants and shit farming during months to get benefit over other players that can't lose that amount of time just to get that, then players like me want the same set, enchants, gems, etc, to fight others in the same conditions, then is skill what change the fight, not set. OTHERWISE, the retail way to get pve items, tmogs, and mounts its good because its hard to farm items cuz u value alot more when u take the drops, but this sucks when its about pvp content.
  17. *undefined = Gliph of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8092/mind-blast for Shadow priests, making http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8092/mind-blast critics root your target during 4s.
  18. But it has a big impact on bg or pve, cuz rain is for AoE dmg, more AoE dmg = more area preasure
  19. you would enjoy queing bg during 1 week with 300k hp? just to get tiranic set? and then farm losing alot more time go get gems, enchants, and profesions? i think its a useles losing of time, fun realm is good in that
  20. Every dk hit is like 10k, 20k crits, 15k and 9k dots in burst, 7k 4k dots non burst, 45k crit hits from gargole, wtf u saying about dk dmg? :/ Ye, i think they should care of fixing first pvp content before pve content. About 8/10, its because they nerfed the formula randomly, the dmg was higher before, as it should, i showed it with formula on this post.
  21. i just play fun realm cuz pvp equipement is fast to get, u don't have to die in pain for just full tiranic set, doing bgs with 200k hp like a retard..
  22. i know how much sucks on retail, thats why i don't play it, cuz leveling, farming and all the big losing of time for secondary things that are not directly pvp/pve
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