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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. like always, when someone plays properly he instant use bugs right? just go cry away
  2. im not gona buy new bracers just for this..
  3. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&page=57&p=1152254&viewfull=1#post1152254 (im already unbanned) Got 3 days ban after having this visual for months, 2 declined reports for being visual, but the 3rd report 3 days ban, wtf is going on? VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-zuGDl2VpI :/
  4. http://www.notengotele.com/frikis/nunca-pongas-a-gandalf-en-una-lan-party-o-pasara-esto #drunkspanishpeople
  5. how did this post degenerated so much
  6. if shadowblades dmg was nerfed 5knon crits 10k crits u would care the same as i do, just don't be hypocrite.
  7. Гневджигурды fun/x100 (i didn't check his, we where in cross) insulting, racism to spanish or mexican people, spaming with caps http://prnt.sc/bz7qxk
  8. Still, they decreased its dmg for no reason, this its blizzlike server no? Also i rate 8/10 cuz the dmg was higher some days ago.
  9. Link where says it shouldn't stack, from wowhead or wowkikia. If it was bugged i would get banned in this posts time ago: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=163762&highlight=elbrujopujo http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=163874&highlight=elbrujopujo http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=156454&highlight=rain+fire http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160178&highlight=elbrujopujo http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=156185&highlight=rain+fire http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=152939&highlight=rain+fire more posts: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=173749&page=2&highlight=rain+fire http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=165454&highlight=rain+fire http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=156335&highlight=rain+fire http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=59881&p=451321&viewfull=1#post451321 RoF mechanic is already fixed, just need to fix dmg formula: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=191234
  10. 1. http://prnt.sc/bz16xq (from wowhead: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5740/rain-of-fire, changelog 5.1.0) 2. Does less dmg than it should by the formula (in destro spec, didn't test if afli formula is correct) 3. Example: - If i have 27236 spell power: 27236/4 = 6809 -->(25% of spell power) 267+6809 = 7076 7076 * 8 = 7076x0,8 = 5660p (dmg on a dummy) --> atm does 4245p: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNAm06EXbXc) - 4. 29 of july 2016 5. fun realm 6. 7/10 The formula was blizzlike before, now not: 2k less dmg with 27k spell power becomes alot more with 40k spell power, and more lose of dmg during burst. nemifust got it
  11. depends on if what i did as calculation is correct or not, thats why i ask here - - - Updated - - - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNAm06EXbXc 4245, not 5660, both with 27236 spell power on a dummy, so formula is less than it should no? ¿?
  12. im just asking if thats how to calculate the formula in the screenshot, its a screenshot of formula from wowhead for this patch
  13. http://prnt.sc/bz16xq If, for example, i have 27236 spell power: 27236/4 = 6809 -->(25% of spell power) 267+6089 = 7076 7076 * 8 = 7076x0,8 = 5660 (dmg on a dummy) Its that how to calculate the formula for this patch?
  14. yep, the bug now need "apply" like parry for dks, since some weeks ago
  15. a little yes, but what i said there its totally true..
  16. nerf retard warriors, mages and hunters... where is the logic in nerfing dmg from a class that no one play in arena cuz its totally not worth when u can play affli, u know why = cuz its not worth to do 30k incinerates when u can do 3 dots of 10k each doing 22k crits... warriors are a dumb class that don't even need to gem his main stat to do dmg, they just go full crit gems and hit like wtf, but then u are a dk and u have to gem ful strengh gems because if u don't u just do 0 dmg, warlocks have to gem full mastery gems cuz if not they do 0 dmg, but warriors? why are they gona gem strengh when they actually do alot of dmg without gems... LOGICZ Hey! but don't worry, in pandawow we nerf all classes except 2: warriors and mages, if u play this 2 classes this is the server u are looking for so.. what are u waiting for? Come here and play warrior without even using mouse cuz u can charge and spam 3 dmg spells on your target while he is stunned, cuz yes, u have 2 stuns and u don't need avatar or either strengh gems for doing retard dmg!! oh wait, you like more to play mage? don't worry u can polimoprh and your target with not get healed!! what u waiting for? every month appear benefitial bugs for warriors and mages, and sometimes for hunter!! Don't wait cuz maybe in 3 years this will change!!, well maybe more years, who knows.. lets just wait for all the russ reports get fixed before english reports lelelelelel -------------------------------------------------------------> http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=224 "Free pandawow advertisement for new players :D"
  17. it don't give embers almost.. do u even played warlock? lol
  18. don't begin with bullshit coments, they reduced 100% its dmg randomly..
  19. Why its hitting like 100% less?, used to do 4k 8k crits, now 2k 4k crits, whats going on? Just askinn why random dmg decrease :/, oh ye, destro warlocks 3k everywhere raping warriors in 2c
  20. Russian reports > english reports or what is going on?? http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=224 Almost all fixes are just for russian reports, so should we all start translating all our reports to russian or what?
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