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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. i think is a good idea, u can duel hordes also there, the only problem is this stealth bug that happens with any teleport during a fight, like warlock portals, mage translation, and others
  2. i know, i'll post later, but it was a remix, a very good one ---- 4/10
  3. mhm, rogues 5% magic dmg increase debuff removes warlock 5% elements, that means both increase 5% magic dmg taken by the objective no?
  4. its not for him, its cuz his mage comp do 100k icelances with all of this dmg bugs, and its also for all the mages doing this spell stack also
  5. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=44332/curse-of-the-elements + Elements Aura in demon (in pandawow don't work as aura, work as an extra debuff) fun realm You can stack 2 elements course when u use demon and normal elements debuff. You should not be able to stack 5% increased magic dmg x2. 8/10 doing 3c with mage+demon+heal you can stack 10% spell power buffs x2 (http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=190756) and an extra 5% magic dmg from the 2nd element curse. video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUW95L1ORWQ
  6. with destro i mean, ofc boomy have other comps
  7. 100k icelances in arena cuz yes
  8. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=44714/tome-of-dalaran-brilliance , http://prnt.sc/bxqi44 fun realm It stacks with any other 10% spell power buff, giving 10% extra spell power, so 20% spell power if u have any other buff + dalaran intellect Should not stack spell power 8/10 alot of mages are using that. screenshots: 1. http://prnt.sc/bxqg7n (no nuffs, 227 spell power) 2. http://prnt.sc/bxqgiq (mage buff, 249 spell power) 3. http://prnt.sc/bxqgu1 (mage buff+warlock buff, 272 spell power) (it stacks with any of 10% spell power buffs in game)
  9. its the only playable comp with destro..
  10. but how can we know if it shouldn't be interrupted? i mean where can we check it¿
  11. play destro and then u will see that it hardly generates embers, even sometimes it don't generate any lol
  12. what??? i do barelly 115k.. - - - Updated - - - nope. i go 100% mastery gems: http://prnt.sc/bxaol7
  13. About embers generation, i don't think it can be even considered a 1/10 bug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aRgKNid9W8 .. Appart of that, destro warlocks for 2c = bullshit atm
  14. it is cuz dk is full of nerfing bugs always, otherwise warriors and hunters, or mages have benefitial bugs always (atm polimorphia don't heal the target=fuking big benefit for mages)
  15. i just noticed a decrease for each one of this spells dmg, any change on formula?
  16. totally worth, its a good game, like League of legends playstyle but ALOT MORE BETTER, LoL suck vs dota2
  17. we complain cuz we notice the bugs that dk have, how its someone that don't play dk gona notice his bugs dumbass, i just report bugs for the classes i play cuz i don't know others lol, its fuking logic, people report what he can see by playing a class
  18. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=187431 all of this is bugged, u can't say no :)
  19. yes, should be like that: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=187431
  20. playing dk is bug abuse for people who don't play it
  21. its a pve bug for tanking that don't give any dmg benefit, who cares
  22. why so much offtopic, go english section :/
  23. when grip fails it becomes a fatal bug for dk..
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