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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=187432 this fucks pvp alot
  2. "In the case u get runic corruption effect and all ur runes are loading, sometimes u just can't do anything, waiting for any rune to end his loading time to be able unbug it and be able to use spells. :/ About this necro thing you say, its not a bug and happens because if your blue and red runes are in CD, RC proc make them 4 load faster and u get the respective 4 death runes.. which can be used for 4 necros.." Horn of winter or any spell u use can unbug the fuking runes, u don't get free runes, u get the runes back to normal..
  3. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=17/power-word-shield + http://legion.db.pandawow.me?spell=211522/psyfiend (maybe any shield with any pet work like this atm) fun realm Shields on pets are not reduced by pvp combat. Shields on pets should be the same as on yourself during pvp combat. prio 7/10 make this pet unkillable (130k if other priest spec to 300k shields on arena if disci) when u summon it and shield it inside arena. video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cofedykdZw
  4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=189257
  5. farm tmogs and use them, why the fuck u want a program that tmog something that just you can see lol
  6. You really saying that rune system benefits us? lol. Atm runic corruption bugs it for bad, not for good.. 1st, % seem kinda lower than 45% (most of times 4 coils or 5 and 0 procs) 2nd, when u get RC proc your runes don't get the speed till u use any other spell, in the case u get runic corruption effect and all ur runes are loading, sometimes u just can't do anything, waiting for any rune to end his loading time to be able unbug it and be able to use spells. :/ About this necro thing you say, its not a bug and happens because if your blue and red runes are in CD, RC proc make them 4 load faster and u get the respective 4 death runes.. which can be used for 4 necros..
  7. when will people understand that ghoul is important, attack speed is bugged, now lower hp, what next?
  8. Ghould HP points fun realm HP increase with blood presence but his HP points remind normal, going back to 300k all time. Ghoul should keep max hp without droping it all time. video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hW2F6uB7BM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4zzAj4Kz5s Prio: 5/10
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157497&page=7&p=1134779&viewfull=1#post1134779
  10. 6/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PAs93MJF-M
  11. Is survival hunters dmg bugged?
  12. Ridickdk fun under map grip http://prntscr.com/bs6daq http://prntscr.com/bs6d3w
  13. http://prntscr.com/bs4m56 http://prntscr.com/bs4mhz Rune system when it bugs and u get randomly all runes into 10s cd..
  14. Embers generation is slow as fuck if u use rain, but its true that with or without target it generates. Anyway, destro is not op in this server for 2c, its more like sad bullshit atm.
  15. when i joined the server, blood tap was working properly for me, always giving runes, now sometimes don't give any rune
  16. you could enter in game?, nvm im in
  17. Server down? says logging all time but it don't enter the game
  18. It was working before, now its bugged, thats the problem - - - Updated - - - no control but should be 45% chance, atm it procs so low, like 1/5 death coils proc RC
  19. Im just saying that it procs so low, and that alot of times i use like 4 or 5 death coils and it don't even proc once, maybe 1 as much
  20. its happening continously and so random - - - Updated - - - exactly, and is happening more and more times, its so anoying
  21. this is so fuking bugged, its happening more and more..
  22. Tecrujo fun spaming: ssssss in wisp http://prntscr.com/bqqnns
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