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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33831/force-of-nature fun realm They have near 350k hp each one. Should not have 350k hp each one (idk what amount of hp exactly they should have, but lower than 100k for sure). 6/10 trees should be ez killable, atm take soo long to kill each one of them. foto: http://prntscr.com/bjl4ey
  2. So i should heal also 50% of my hp with death pact because its a 50% of hp as heal, no? http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48743/death-pact
  3. when i noticed parry for human dk still bugged: http://z0r.de/95
  4. man shut up, u just write bullshit lol http://z0r.de/235
  5. i can say that suck because at least i played wod, i played till had a dk full of bg set and medium geared warlock to test, and its totally bullshit on pvp
  6. Licher approve this comment - - - Updated - - - no its not lol, pandawow have more players and its way better expansion, wod = bullshit make by braindeads of blizzurd
  7. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=185841&p=1127366&viewfull=1#post1127366 Cuz the stupid wod expansion which everyone agree that its a bullshit expansion, since the opening the wod server pandawow go slow as fuck on fixes, mods, bannings, etc
  8. i also lose my buffs sometimes, but i don't care cuz i play fun realm haha btw: http://prntscr.com/bj8ns1
  9. my ms are always under 60, never higher or lagging effect, just random dc sometimes
  10. im totally sure that no one can enter my account
  11. 17 times for now - - - Updated - - - my internet is so good, i never have lag, use to 35ms
  12. find a retail video to see if its true what u say reptich
  13. maybe don't crass but im getting disconected alot, inside cross and outsite cross also, today i got random DC like 15 times, 1 more 2 mins ago
  14. more than 6 random DC in a row = http://z0r.de/4725
  15. 1. Curse of Exhaustion, and gliph interaction: http://prntscr.com/9kxwbl, http://prntscr.com/9kxwzs (with gliph: http://prntscr.com/9kxx5j) 2. The duration withhout gliph is 10s and with gliph its 5s. 3. Without gliph should be 30s and with gliph 15s. 4. 21-6-2016 5. Fun realm 6. 8/10 Could be a powerful slow vs melee video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D4yza693Cs
  16. its a pvp doom for slow, and there is a gliph for something - - - Updated - - - No its not, its working even worse than before.
  17. the cooldonws work correctly, u can download ExtraCD addon to see it
  18. just said the main bugs, the parry one is the most important atm cuz put human dks in a big disavantatge vs other dk races or vs melees
  19. runes work like always, all in grey randomly sometimes
  20. yes, i see: http://prntscr.com/bisxig that picture is from today..
  21. yes. cham 5% haste buff and more that i don't know, i just talk about the ones i know
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