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Everything posted by kestonz

  1. there goes my ears ._.
  2. noneed so fiesty :(
  3. i will bby
  4. oh i already got them SorryDad - craxtion
  5. wait i dont understand u are selling retail gametime?
  6. but what if hes telling the truth
  7. i havent noticed anything on my frost mage but i might just be blind
  8. Zeox our hero
  10. 03-11-2014, 10:38 AM bro
  11. titles that people worked hard for how'd you feel if u got r1 and didn't receive any promised reward for it
  12. or is it working normally now?
  13. Bump this bug is defiantly crucial for me since if im with a rogue and he shrouds me and i mount up and run to pet nova the target, my pet is in africa and thats my opener ruined
  14. its a great video noneoftheless, but it just looks like a copy of thyraz's video so much
  15. dont have time to write a spell name and put "FIXED" next to it? next level bullshit said out of juster's ass once again
  16. "About spells, i always read here from 5,6 people whining. People. Every week we upload many fixes, even you can't see this. You check only spells, but not quests, not dangerous, not mobs, items, achivments, e.t.c. Give proofs in bug-tracker how spells should working!!! Now i see you only sit here and whining, whining, whining. We can't fix all for 5 minutes, how you can't understand, it's not only PvP server, it's PvE server to. and we must fixed both sides" "Every week we upload many fixes, even you can't see this." then why not put it in the changelog what is fixed? ur so fucking stupid dont announce that ur fixing stuff if u cant say what u are fixing so please tell me what spells has been fixed this week?
  17. just waiting for the one mod to go "Closed."
  18. LOL same... we dont even have any grass in my city only houses upon houses
  19. i logged into dogempire and saw 2.5k players online compaired to pandawow's 5k pandawow has more players than wodempire
  20. just checked the wodempire and it isnt even more popular than pandawow, and also juster is active everyday on the wodempire forums not saying they should straight up ignore the wodempire servers, but they should at least do something as minor as give someone a title on pandawow, or hire someone to script. not as if they make enough money, right?
  21. I agree with your opinion.
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