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Everything posted by kestonz

  1. i needed this so much too, u posted 2 movies and i wanted to watch both of them love u jonte
  2. well, they found an opportunity to make an extra $$$ and they took it, even though its gonna do their server no good. its really showing the money>players here.
  3. kestonz


    guys, u are dumb. hes speaking russia
  4. Thanks =DDD
  5. ah right
  6. wait u even had. boss fight? just auto completed for me =[
  7. kestonz

    Bored of Pandawow

    1. luiz stop shitposting on every thread in sight 2. i totally agree with u bap, with a 5month long season and u waiting for the title yet hes too lazy to do that really shows that someone needs to step up on pandawow and actuallystart doing something. also i havent seen juster on forums for a few weeks now where did he go
  8. kestonz

    Delete this :P

    but the girl in the Jinx cosplay is hot, sooo....
  9. Yes, so the fixes we're made and i was required to clear my cache. And by clearing my cache, it fixed the bug. I understand that i didnt follow the format but i think i didnt word it properly in some ways also, although i posted in right place
  10. @luiz why the bump
  11. >deleting cache doesn't fix bugs obviously does, since it fixed my issue. By applying fixes that were made, that is fixing broken content? Is that not?
  13. "even 'tho it wasn't a bugged" it was since i showed that if i attempt to pick it up it said invalid target. And guess what? i got a responce from nemi telling me to delete my cache and guess what? He helped me with the bugged item. So i dont see that i've posted anything here in the wrong place.
  14. not that sadly =(
  15. maybe read the post? i needed help because the item was bugged. >this is bug tracker section stated the bug and got a responce.
  16. >sells warrior in a day >my hunter been up since 3-4th march >still not sold
  17. i've seen multiple people abusing this, idk how they do it but its really annoying
  18. I expected the last boss to actually be killable, but all it was was an auto complete quest and it gave you green fire, kinda disappointing because it required no effort at all
  19. i completed the whole questline, i expected a lot more :(
  20. alright, i really dont understand this bug since many people have completed this - - - Updated - - - No worries i found a fix, had to turn in Q at quest trainer even though it said at altar
  21. [ATTACH=CONFIG]107138[/ATTACH] back with another issue. standing in circle to use Shadowmoon Fragment, said "invalid target" then i deleted cache and now nothing happens. happened too with a random warlock i met doing the questline too
  22. i'll try it, and update u on what happens - - - Updated - - - Awesome! It works, thanks for the super fast response too, love u nemi
  23. [ATTACH=CONFIG]107136[/ATTACH] get "invalid target" error when trying to pick up the purple soulstone thing for the quest Seeking the Soulstones can anyone help? because i know people have green fire here nowadays and idk how to do this when this bug is occurring. (EDIT: i know that the file is low quality, but it says "Invalid target" when trying to pick up the hellfire fragment.)
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