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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. It's kinda obvious that you're a bad player. Since you don't know what Script or DoT's ticking clock is.. Just google it. Having a great laugh, laughing at your ridiculousness.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/pa4mH1C.jpg
  3. Name of the violator: Sheylalelxqt, Michelle Realm, where you saw the violation: 100x Description of the violation: Randomly trolling/insulting. Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/dqQb9nt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/W3Tzxfh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NmfS0oZ.jpg
  4. Name of the violator: Beggar, Lavashock Realm, where you saw the violation: 100x Description of the violation: Pretty much insulting Weegee / Trolling each other. Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/gw3tqIq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/SV03juG.jpg http://i.imgur.com/8d80MUX.jpg
  5. You're in the wrong section. http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=175
  6. Be sure, that you have the realmlist to: SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"
  7. Just wait till shadrissa can get you an answer. Be Patient.
  8. In retail. If you soothing mist your target and he moves out of LoS. Your soothing mist gets cancelled automatically.
  9. Do u know why some UH dk's go haste stat priority? DoT's ticking clock. Same with UH presence.
  10. Name of the violator: Týrnorge Realm, where you saw the violation: 100x Description of the violation: Randomly saw him, then unmounted him with the shell. And kept flying. Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/eSU9e6L.jpg
  11. Such as 3rd program. Cheat engine, WPN, and any other programs which changes the "scripts" of your character or client.
  12. The paladin was infront of monk's LoS, and monk Soothing mist'd him then the pala moved to non-LoS place. Which doesn't cancel the effect. Still abuse. Quite sure that's how it happened.
  13. People wants to be challanged and get worthy reward rating than 1-2. That's one of the reasons they want it to get fixed. Even though if u face the same teams, you just show them that they're bad than what their rating shows.
  14. Well yeah, i know. But, PvP doesn't only go into ARENA.. But he's talking about PvP overall, not arena only. And he's overreacting.
  15. He's talking about duels, bgs, arena's overall. Not every thread is about 2.2k bracket.
  16. Do you even have proof of this....? Or are you just guessing the double of normal heal?
  17. Wow...
  18. You know Heart of the wild is a 6Min CD. That's why it makes ferals gods in 1v1 / 1v5 etc. Also Balance, not sure. And it's their most & highest defensive ability/talent Clever monks use Stacks for defensive when needed, and they LoS you. The only thing that is making WW monks "good heal" is the stacks. It's description * Increases Damage done and Healing done by 60% * If you think each necrotic's should absorb 70k Healing. You never experienced Retail necrotic's. Otherwise you would know. Just try the classes u think that is bugged. Rather than bragging about it, and not knowing how the class itself is.
  19. Druids Dps spec has Heart of the wild. Which makes the player a Healer'ish. Same with monks. Atm, full pride monks ( WW ) Can heal about 20k Each orb, without any usage of stacks. But with stacks. It heals about 60k. Im sure, there's nothing wrong with Heart heals. You're just "complaining" about the classes you never played. Just as you're writing yourself. Necrotics should not do 70k each time. It's too much absorption. You should've played retail 5.4.8
  20. Saw your tmorph. Thank you, was looking for it.
  21. Kaqqa xd
  22. Unfortunately i made an Infracting on your forum account because you're abusing with fly hack yourself and yet "reporting" another player. I did not decline the thread. I am making sure the player knows that it will get declined otherwise. Insulting other player has been taken actions of. - - - Updated - - - Thread's closed.
  23. Yea, Never realised you were firechaos. Damn.
  24. Not according to the rules. Declined http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802
  25. Yes, ofc. That's what the spell is made for.
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