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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Very Thin Ice lel and ye, hioshiru even told me hes 14
  2. and ebola is really annoying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZHvd0ks7Es
  3. Ohhh what a battle !!!
  4. Isn't it useful to unmod hioshiru ? I mean the whole server get randomly muted for nothing That is a serious thread btw.
  5. 1. Hioshiru 2. fun 3. first time someone wrote "fromtop is gay" in the chat. Right after someone said "you cant be more gay than fromtop" and i answered : "ofc you can if you are called raou" For that i got muted for like 5 hours . i got muted for insulting player. So "GAY" is an insult ? poor hioshiru 4. Do we really need a mod like that ? He has like 50 mutes / minute for useless shit.
  6. ye purging will help against disc priests ... oh wait jk
  7. they are getting no bans at all ! juster said "if they abuse in season they get ban, now not" ridiculous ...
  8. No. Im so happy that im on hord and dont need to take care about what i say here. We dont need a cop ! Why do you think blizzard didnt give a shit about /w chat or /s chat or group chat ? it's privat ... (or well /s not that much) anyways he is muting whenever he can ! when i look in the chat, it's just disgusting. Back when i was friendly with him he was so rude and talked so much shit about Pandawow etc. and now hes doing the same things. He can mute people who are insulting etc. but when some1 is using caps like "LOL REKD" or something than PLEASE understand 1 thing : Thats the fucking Game. Back when i was on my rogue, i just duel'd a friend and said in /s chat "LEL " "200k OFC" "DO IT AGAIN" and i got muted for 60 minutes. Sorry but that is a joke. As i said im on hord now and its way betther but tbh i pity all alliance guys who are under the direction from hioshiru xD gr8 Hioshiru you are the boss ! @djworldtwo i like your signature, was dio mad there :D?
  9. ----UPDATE ----- Salie is almost 3.3 HYPE ?
  10. really ? i mean lol ... really ? kid you have to learn so much in the game.
  11. best player by far. Watch 1:41 in slowmotion and cum on skill
  12. oh see, someone is mad because he land once more on my ignore list. And btw, Stop bragging about your 3s rating dionysus. You lost to a destro + warrior as LSD. i gonna cut myself pce
  13. i would say fix dk, fix lock and than we can start the season. Would be great.
  14. did i missed something ? Whole teamplay switched to hord :O #funrealm
  15. I would also like to hear why juster isnt punishing people like that. They simply deserve it, doesnt matther if you guys will reset their rating or not.
  16. On warmane people get perm baned for that, isnt it betther to disable their chars or just delete them ? Just that they cant brag about their max rating ? that would destroy their life
  17. who ? : Raou + jugalo + jocko realm : fun description: Raou is queueing 2vs2 into jocko and Jugalo and as we can see clearly in the video the other ones are just alt + f4 to not loose mmr / rating all the time. Raou stays in arena and gains the rating. Sorry but wintradeing should be banable and we cant proof it betther than that since arena spectator doesnt work. Hope a GM can do something. reason : wintradeing & jugalo + jocko proof: http://www.twitch.tv/repitchx/v/17774940 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1K4WX7DBbk&feature=youtu.be 10/10 this has high priority. People like that are pushing as much as they can. They should get punished for wintradeing. I don't even want to que serious arenas anymore since the ladder is full from wintraders. Hope you can do something with them. I hope i will not get a answer like "wait until its fixed". This report isnt about alt + f4 ! no it's about wintrade ! - regards
  18. - delete this post. idk why its here
  19. Yes you clueless piece of wintrader **** . You aren't go offline when you join arena, you just disappear. And i always see that your mates are alt + f4 and go offline in the chat. Raou you are poor and you are wintradeing in 2vs2 on a private server. You should really think about your life. Something is wrong with you. You want to tell me that you played 3s instead of wintradeing ? HEHE how you can win 1 single game if your mates are alt f4 ing the whole time ? retard.
  20. lol ... this thread ... [ATTACH=CONFIG]93192[/ATTACH] http://imgur.com/h5lqpAi ^ things will happen in the future !
  21. so much love Kappa You shouldnt' have written this .. now juster will decline it
  22. Raou go away here. You are the worst piece of shit that is going around in the forums. Wintradeing on a private server ? Your a shame. How your acting like man ... Did you watched your videos on your Youtube channel ? LOOK the like / Dislike ratio ! Not even the youtube community likes you ! People like you should get an ip ban followed from deleting every character. If im mad ? No im at 2.5 cr playing boomkin + warrior atm i can calm my tits since it's early in a season. But people like you just disgusts me. Thinking they are the best and wintradeing at the same time. You are a shame Mad because you don't get positive attention from me ? Claiming to be r1 priest ? Ofc im trying to be r1 priest here that's why im playing rogue priest. You are dumb as fuck mate. But yes, you are a huge kid. Some of ur friends told me that after he added you in skype, you instantly sended him like 20 screenshots where you beat people. you are ridiculous and the best at the end : who didn't know it : icefloes = raou https://gyazo.com/cfb0e1b1cc1e749e8d466446d763bd6d That screen was made after he lost against me. ^ Raou that screen proves me that you are not older than 13y
  23. only thing i see is how you are trying to defend raou ... but you look stupid. he's playing rogue priest vs. mage priest. I don't have to say anything more Go ahead .. you shouldn't be allowed to post in the forums. Maybe you are just one of his friends or you are just stupid.
  24. :bomb: let see... also ban them after some1 caught them
  25. oh great http://i.imgur.com/st4Fa8h.gif ____ no but Tbh please ban raou. This guy disgusts me. He can't get highrating so he need to wintrade. This guy is bad at this game and he exactly know it. Same with jugalo. People like that deserve would be really good.
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