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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. yes .. and i got 160k soulreaper though deff stance ... right now means 160k with 25% dmg reduce = 200k. you kidding ? lol smth is wrong with dk´s right now
  2. just wanna throw a random question in here ... is it possible that since cross realm they bugged dk even more than they were before ? i feel like i play against a war with necrotics lawl
  3. would be awesome as fck
  4. x10, Noneedrdrood
  5. wow i thought its fixed ? lol pandawow fucked up once more xD
  6. Just a little request. can i please get my "mercilles gladiator" title in the forums :3 ?
  7. ye, i guess its not that easy to fix but it would be awesome if they could do it
  8. i hope your not that guy who plays MLS ? if yes please NEVER write something again about "bugged locks" xD
  9. wow you are insane man ... how much does it cost that you gonna teach me lock :O ? #notroll #Kappa
  10. that fake noneedholy tho
  11. bukarasik can you check my thread about rewards aswell please :) ? http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=150392
  12. did you even read the thread ? than you would notice that the "crystal" isnt working atm /facepalm :fool:
  13. no ^^ but for you guys: 1. rogue: 2. rogue : if you read their names, you know exactly what kind of players they are ofc i dont agree usually, not with akuyama and also not with raou but ye double rogue right now while the eyes are not working should be banable or atleast disabled for arena (played by myself on arenatournament a huge bugged comb like double guardian, it wasn't even a season there so we just did it for fun) In a season where people want to play srs for a reward or god knows for what, that kind of players are just useless. but arena tournament MOP managed it after ~2-3 days to disabled that you can que as guardian arena. same should happen with double rogue. If that doesnt work ? make reports avaiable since this is pretty scummy. https://bitbucket.org/Malaco/bugreports-mop/issues/926/lyricztwo-and-tanksweg-still-abusing the worst thing at all that i see from your screenshots is that this rogues still managed it to loose some games. rip skill
  14. 1. Matchmaking rating (http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Matchmaking_Rating) 2. First of all i feel like MMR is not working at all here. When im playing on my 2.9k cr resto druid with a 1.5 cr warrior i still get instant que pops against 1.4 - 1.5 teams. I should be normally around 2.3 ~ 2.4k mmr than. the second thing : As you guys can see there is no mmr display in the right corner on the bottom of the scoreboard Pandawow s15 screenshot --> You can't see any matchmaking rating or something else --> http://imgur.com/Fh1C2NN 3. How it must work ? You should get MMR and you shouldn't be able to que into 1.5 teams with 2.9k cr instantly only because your mate is on 1.5 cr about the display bug: Pandawow s14 screenshot --> it worked back in s14 on Pandawow as you can see --> http://imgur.com/mLlMkPj Retail s15 screenshot ---> thats exactly how it should look --> http://imgur.com/7HS5Y9E 4. since it's s15 on Pandawow / Since the beginning of season 15 5. x100 / fun / x10 6. 10/10 by far. mmr is so important and i also guess its important to see your mmr and the enemy teams mmr
  15. So, i asked ingame my server gm "Neff" if i can get my GLADIATOR achievment and also my heroic deed + my mount. ( i was r3, ) the gm told me i have to ask an Admin for the achievment and the Mount. I have no idea if Zeox or juster or whoever is the main admin, so i just make a thread here and whoever feels adressed can answer me :D and beside of that, how do we manage it to get our price money ? i was r3 and should get 150 $ also i would like to get my title "mercilles gladiator" in the forums :D prove: http://imgur.com/071DQQv char name : Noneedrdrood --> x10
  16. i guess noone is mad, but double rogue when the eyes in arena are not working isnt that hard :l
  17. excuse me sir ? and you are ? [ATTACH=CONFIG]91720[/ATTACH] close btw ^^ its fine
  18. thanks I am waiting since 1 1/2 hours that some1 respond to my ticket gz
  19. the problem is that i have to be online on that dead server LOL
  20. is there even a gm on x10 :D? waiting since 1 hour for a respond on my ticket ... juster said we have to stay online but rly dont wanna fell asleep here :/ noneedrdrood --> for my title reward
  21. where ? cant find any trolls [ATTACH=CONFIG]91683[/ATTACH]
  22. that .... is .... so ... insane ... than i can snipe "vengful gladiator akuyama" looks nice how he die against my ww + balance team LOL
  23. look 1.5 ele here
  24. euh ... more 3s :( and just a tip : never show your mouse while recording :D beside of that its okay nothing special ( no offense, just giving you a tip ) do more 3s --> and faster forward this boring 2s matches :D and WHEN you do 2s videos than do it like our lord ^ if you try to edit it so insane like that, even 2s is funny to watch :D 2:30 --> end, fucking genius :l for the first try (or second ?) it is still okay and good work ;)
  25. 1. zankedbrotha 2. fun 3. he told me = sazzi ( its me as you can also see on my twitch channel twitch.tv/SazziEU ) that was my priest name before, that i should get killed by hitler 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]91545[/ATTACH] http://imgur.com/DHdF6Zp 5. nothing to add
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