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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. ahhhhhhhhhh... so you are max 2.6k on pandawow ? proves me that you have no clue about the game. Holypal is BY FAR harder to play than rshaman. But what do i excpect from a 2.6k player ( pwow ) Saying holypal is the easiest class makes you looking stupid sorry If resto shaman would be full fixed here you would cry more. Do you even have a idea HOW OP that is to cast totems while you are inlined ? That is fcking gamebrakeing but ye for sure cry about riptide and unleash. fck huge facepalm And yes i don't want to talk about earthgrab totem ! Resto shaman lock inc rooting though pillars hard game jk
  2. that is a joke or ? would like to know what 90% of the shamans here would do if they couldn't use totems while inlined.
  3. Sorry but we are not talking about 2.3 or 2.4k mmr. We are talking about highrating and also how absolutezero is abusing. If you get 90k deathcoils and 180k soulreaper + 400k necrotics in 4-5 seconds ( thats not a joke ) and that permanently, you are simply fucked. ( My friend who started playing here (sakiøn - fun ) was 2.8k on retail + glad in s14 as dk and played abit in s15. I just met him and without i told him that DK is op or something he just came to me and said : "LOL man necrotics are so op, in my burst i can easily do 90k " And he was more than half tyrannical. isnt that weird ? no obv not because you need to defend your class and pelican need to defend his comb. I remember that pelican get almost always rekd when hes not playing with a dk just said. There is no insane gameplay from absolutezero which makes him so good or something. He almost never spellcopy something. He almost always get Slowfall or rejuv. Grips for clones ? No way every grip get wasted for heals (im a druid lolol) Thats what i mean, this guy doesnt deserve it to play on that rating but what you want to do when you get 100k necrotics per hit ( on my war for example ) you are just fcked. About gargoyle i dont even want to talk. I dont need to prove you guys that dk is bugged / op since everyone ingame already know that. And if you want to deny that, i really dont care since everyone is able to see DK dmg. @shepard sorry but if you want to tell me that dk is not bugged / op you simply can't play that class or you are just a player who stucks at 2k. No offense but its mostly the players fault than.
  4. @juster Is the test crossrealm for EVERY Realms ? or just only arena que on "cross test" ? Like that you can que from cross realm against every other realm
  5. oh lol didn't know ^.^ aight. i thought you guys fixed it, because you said "fixed" we could que ( what we couldn't do before )
  6. /still bugged. I can't test anything without arena :/
  7. " -3710 bonuses" lol what ? wtf rofl i had that too. But that was only because pandawow randomly deleted the realmlist out of his own config. Just look if the realmlist in the config file is still in there
  8. we would need to test it in arena. JK arena doesnt work on cross server
  9. And you are ? Instead to you, whos writing only shit in the forums, furmetal is a nice guy. I bet you are exactly that random that you called him
  10. thats not true. Just proves us once more that you have no clue about other classes and their mechanik And btw stop lieing. yesterday you was complaining about that a feral dont get dispersion from a priest. You are just a joke.
  11. lol zhalifa quote : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRpkRUIxxC4 + http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Symbiosis After you asked me for a prove, that a feral get dispersion from a holypriest. He has dispersion in his bars.... why ? is he a hacker ? [ATTACH=CONFIG]89516[/ATTACH]
  12. So much QQ Here Look that guy who has the biggest mouth made a qq thread. Pretty nice.
  13. just a question .... isnt the BG supposed to be crossrealm aswell ? or not .. i thought they wanna test the crossrealm system..
  14. 1. 2vs2 / 3vs3 / 5vs5 Arena 2. You can que but when the que pops you accept the invite but nothing happened. http://www.vidup.de/v/zE9c8/ 3. You should click on "accept" and you get portet into arena. 4. 11 am server time. 14.08.2015 5. cross test 6. 10/10
  15. fix fast plx
  16. ---------UPDATE------------ As i see you can login on the "cross realm" server ! You can get full pridefull and PvE gear for FREE but you cant que arena / bg .. where is the point ? i mean what you guys wanna do with that server. I dont even thought that you would release a new server.
  17. oh god guys .. you need to be 1800 in rbg´s to transmog the old PvP gear 'normally
  18. still no updates :l
  19. Ok alot of people asked and also alot of threads got deleted. Maybe because they were just troll threads or whatever. Alot of people are waiting for their titltes and some other peoples for their money price also. You guys said Ok that was fine for us. You couldn't give us the awards within 2 weeks because of checking logs etc. Which is okay for us. But than this message came 28.07.2015 --> and its already the 11.08 I dont say "GIVE US OUR TITLES RIGHT NOW etc." the only thing i beg you about is giving us an update :D ty
  20. you kidding ? this is not good, its ridictolous This music is even worse than everything ive ever heard Lol first time when i saw the video i thoughts its a funny montage or smth.
  21. good edits but since blades dmg and para poison is bugged i wont talk about skill. If you would do some arenas instead of duels, would be nice actually
  22. yes. i become so horny for the 3s queues O.O
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