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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Guys stop talking about offtopic that has nothing to do with the video. constructive criticism or just say nothing.
  2. LOL so a video + explanation is not enough for you ? i had to laugh so much when i did read that. So you think that Rof doesnt brake by frozen orb is not a problem yes ? I bet he is a mage And btw about the refreeze: 3 seconds ! nothing less and here its sometimes 1-2 seconds. Even in the video its not 3 seconds. source: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Ring_of_Frost didnt changed the inner cd since cata.
  3. intro* but where is the problem ?
  4. Wow .... beating a rogue priest im pretty proud of you. well that has nothing to do with this topic that you randomly oneshot some1 with your comb on a private server. oh edit: i saw you was playing with a rsham. Well even as ret rsham beating a Hpriest rogue isnt that good. just for explanation priest rogue isnt a strong comb in s15 ^^
  5. no. 3 seconds internal cd
  6. someone is mad
  7. do you do anything else than bg´s ? i see you reporting all the time ppl for stupid reason. You are disgusting
  8. We can't reproduce this bug.
  9. We can't reproduce this bug.
  10. We can't reproduce this bug.
  11. We can't reproduce this bug.
  12. We can't reproduce this bug.
  13. We can't reproduce this bug.
  14. We can't reproduce this bug.
  15. Well they can check the logs, i dont know where is your point ? writing nonsense in here.
  16. well i explained it wrong, you could stop writing bullshit in here & ur memes .. i mean like what lol ? you trying to act cool or what ? I'm done with it to carry on a conversation with you
  17. You could also write in something constructive rather than just bullshit
  18. No, just no you are completly wrong. If you get scammed you need a proof and than you get ur shit back thats pretty easy i dont need some1 who wanna tell me shit like "decline" or whatever because you guys cant decide it anyways. Actually on the homepage for 800k you pay 10800 bonuses, no clue how about the prices on the market on the server.
  19. Well thats why i actually did only 200k gold but i also did screenshots. realm : x100 character name : Neckrosh [ATTACH=CONFIG]83237[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]83238[/ATTACH] first he wanted 800k for 3k bonuses but i told him to give me 200k first that i wont loose so much when he gonna scam me he wanted to give 1k bonuses for 200k gold. i hope this screenshots are enough well ok the quality is shit: here new uploaded : http://i.imgur.com/LuOHiGP.jpg http://imgur.com/KoZPoNa
  20. I'm playing at this server now since ~ 2 years. Before i played retail MOP and AT mop ( both on 2.5k +) and i say it again : I do not want to specify ( although 2.6k xp is not the world at retail). I just want to say i played retail long enough and i also played retail PTR and learned almost every class. That i can do a list here with the most crittical bugs which are really important to fix. I know how s15 should work and when i see what is going on in the ladder ( like rogue + mage r1 in 2s ) than something is really broken. I gonna make a list for every class. I hope you will read it and i'll get a fast respond @Juster or some other high ranked staff member. Let us begin with: Warrior : Multi reflect : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=100495 That shouldn't be possible to reflect more than 1 global cooldown with spell reflect, sometimes you are gonna reflect until the effect "spellreflect" is gone and thats really huge Charge bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=130175 Thats really annoying and shouldnt happen. Sometimes you just waste 2 charge "charges" Paladin (about that class i've not so much clue when i'm telling something wrong please correct me ) Write something into the topic if you found a huge bug for paladins. Hunter Feign death bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=109557&highlight=feign+death So much hunter are gonna abuse that, just feign death while the enemy is bursting and came back with full hp. annoying Explosive shot http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=133000&highlight=explosive+shot 100k+ explosive shots Shouldnt be possible ! on my hunter i did a 120k explosive shot and please ... survivale hunter is a DOT class not a focus dmg spec like marksmen ! Rogue (there i found abit more critical bugs) Smokebomb bug bugged since ages and thats really gamechangeing sometimes. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=109201 Restless Blades http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=122868 sub rogue with reduced CD on blades ? wow no please. Vanish bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=123365 makes a 1v1 rogue vs. rogue abit rng. very gamechangeing in arena. Priest Powerword: Shield bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=132854 thats really annoying when a shield which absorbs ~50k for holy and ~100k for discs are not affected by dampening ! makes priests so strong in dampening Psyfiend aka Godfiend bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=132842 So much HP and spamming fear all the time is pretty retarded tbh. Holy spark bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=109276 So much healing from a priest .. even in dampening the heal is so strong. Void shift delay bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=92663 We know that even on retail you had a delay when you swapped at like 1-5% hp that target still died but here the delay is really huge. And also shift into Block doesnt work ! if you use shift when your mage use block nothing happen ! Death Knight (1 more class about that i've not so much clue ) Souleaper http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=133678 Well this topic is abit weird, i guess he didnt mean "battle fatigue" he meaned pvp resillence or smth. Because 180k random crits from Sr are really really OP Death rune bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=53785 That's really annoying when you get rng´d against a dk even before dampening as rdruid or priest ( what wasn't really possible on retail unless you had 30% + dampening) Shaman (Sorry but i have no clue about this class and when some1 know a huge bug let me know in the topic please.) ------ Mage (Now i have alot of bugs for you here) Ring of frost bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=137070 Please dont tell me you cant reproduce this bug ! you just need to cast Ring of frost and Put ORB into it and you'll see that it doesnt brake ! Same when you get out and in within like 1-2 seconds you get re ring´d thats so much annoying this 2 bugs are HUGE ! Alter of Time bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=136656 I'm still happy that you even tried to fix it but you still cant purge it with spellsteal^^ Mage food bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=132766 exactly 1 more reason how mage + rogue can be r1 in the ladder. restores too much hp Mirror images abuse ! http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=116310 When i see how mages gonna run into the arena and use mirror images who get my rogue out of stealth i could puke ! Glyph of deep freeze http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=110865 Maybe its not soo important for a frostmage, but i'm playing with a firemage. And for him this glyph is mostly important ! Annoying if it doesnt work Invocation abuse http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=121733 so and THAT is exactly the reason why mages are so unkillable here ! They are just gonna spellsteal. They get INSTANT mana when they start casting invocation, normally they should finish the cast first Incanters ward http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=132845 29% more dmg for a mage ?_? really huge Polymorph bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=137302 it heals the target almost instantly to full hp Frozen orb into poly bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=132543&highlight=poly you guys fixed 1 issue (im really thankful for that) but look at my "edit" that problem is still not solved. Warlock ---- couldn't find usefull threads in the forum i only know that double coil is bugged (your 2 targets must be infront of you that you can coil some1) and normally you could even coild your 2nd target with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=80240/havoc even if he is behind you. Monk Rushing jadewind http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=132521 Well idk if it brakes blind aswell but it brakes poly 100% and that is really annoying. Orbs bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=122178 no skill required to spam orbs, really annoying Druid lifebloom http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=121333 and http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=107815&page=2 yeah you guys tried to fix it but still when like 1-2 seconds left the stacks dissappear in the 2nd thread i answered aswell and explained the problem purge NS http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=115488 that feeling when you pom poly a druid on NS but cant spellsteal it :S At the end i want to say that the dmg on this server is really increased compared to retail s15. Like EVERY class deals more dmg, it feels like resillence is bugged. Just a tip I hope that someone will care about this thread like juster or whoever. If you guys are gonna fix these things there is really less qq in the forums.
  21. yeah im still mad :( I mean that feeling when you wanna clone a druid and go for a win and a moveing Ring of frost is gonna make u loose that game .. ye we lost at the end btw
  22. /bump
  23. I couldnt find a topic about that now :3 does the rating get resetet today / tonight or in 1 month ?
  24. hello juuuuster fix it ####fix 100/10 fucking scum mages this bug makes the server looking so sad
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