1. Necrotic strike ! ( cant link wowhead because its the WoD version)
2. Necrotic strikes ignores completly the armor from the enemy player
3. Necrotic strike should be affected by the dmg incrase which you get from your armor
4. 17.07.2015
5. fun / x10 / x100
6. 10/10 -> makes DK´s really OP like for example on my warrior i've like 50% armor, means i get like 50% more necrotic strikes ! 1x necrotic on my war on this server : 100k. normal would be : 50k
also necrotic should not ignore armor. its a 100% weapon damage strike with an healing absorb debuff attached.
some screens where you see how i used necrotic on my 2nd accounts druid when this druid was 1. in bear and in the 2nd screen he was in cat form
(bear form 50% dmg reduce, cat form 30%)
and hear on umgur both pictures again:
2. proof
here 81k in his burst + proccs on a fullgeared disc !
pandawow : 100k absorb with only 1 necro