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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. /bump
  2. 1. Spell --> http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=84714/frozen-orb Frozen orb 2. issue ---> It follows your current target 3. "Launches a Frozen Orb forward from the Mage's position" It shouldnt follow 4. 27.04.2015 5. x10 x100 fun 6. Priority ? 10/10 You just cant kite his orb which is doing alot of dmg on this server and the mage also get proccs EDIT: 2. Poly doesnt brake while you are standing (sitting in poly) in the orb. U get dmg but u cant get out of it. Really retarded 3. orb should brake poly
  3. Why is this guy crying so much ? he got raped and now he complains about what ? cant speak russian sorry Edit: Ah he really complain about that he get all the time crits ? i guess he dont know what is deep and how it works ..
  4. a simple method to not loose rating when you are going to loose .. please reset their rating ... thats even worse than wintrading lol
  5. But you have ? jk 1.5 confirmed Learn to clearcast. i dont need to say anything more
  6. Well, for me the cd dissappear but i still cant use it after the 15 sec left
  7. 100000x10³ priority
  8. lol .. go away
  9. The sad thing is that frostmage is still OP but im playing with a firemage soye fix this stupid deep glyph 100000000000000x10³ priority
  10. 30k shadowbladeand 207k evis ... fuck fix this shit LOL
  11. even as dispel dmg its too much.
  12. just want to help some1 who reported this tard lock :D really sad that you guys closed the topic [ATTACH=CONFIG]79609[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]79610[/ATTACH] well okay this screens are very small .. whyever here the link to the topic: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=131413 here the screen link: http://puu.sh/hju6P/e80e2de0d8.jpg im not the owner from this screenshot but its really sad that the mods here think 160k unstable is fine ;)
  13. Still want an answere hello ?
  14. inbreds ... its because CRIT BANNER is completly bugged on this server --> 30% more crit = 130k pyro (with all proccs buffs etc.) + 30% = 170k + 20k cuz of this banner is bugged. Complain about a firemage who did 190k with a warrior. People here have actually no clue about that game but talking shit in here. Its ridictolous and missing the actually point
  15. yeah ik his fcking haunt is doing more dmg than my Slam .. its ridictolous lol
  16. Now we come to my next friend: Kennyart (on his alt while he was mad when we rekd him) 1. babybeer 2. x100 3. insulting 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]78928[/ATTACH]
  17. 1. Forkill 2. x10 3. He (his pet ) counterspelled me or my mage multiple times though walls or while his pet was cc´d 4. http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/c/6540216 --> CS THOUGH WALL http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/c/6540224 ---> CS while db http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/c/6540221 ---> cs though wall + while roard
  18. where are the excuses ? look at the videos and be quiet thanks.
  19. Well i guess you didnt understand what i said .. gosh. They will not reset rating bcuz of 2-3 games man. You are just sad, go back on x10 and que rsham lock abusing bugs and still stuck on 2.9. People like you make the community here how they are namely rude and unfair. Keep crying if 1 person is using ASWELL and open a thread in the forums. Btw im still creating a video about some bugs like cs though wall etc. gonna post it here abit later. Actually "UNEDIT" you can see this 3 things here. http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/c/6540216 --> CS THOUGH WALL http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/c/6540224 ---> CS while db http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/c/6540221 ---> cs though wall + while roard watch at this and talk more about abusing please :)
  20. Aren't you able to answer in english ? if you have nothing to say just be quiet. and again. You should really learn abit english mate. I want a proof that i can instant cast spells without soul of forrest / NS. beside of that there are some really good questions like: Would be nice to get an explanation why this team is allowed to use bugs like that. And to get to the end @Adomator: please type english here. If we conduct a conversation you should speak english aswell. We dont even speak russian, but you should be able to speak the world language aswell "english". If you have clearly no clue about this language just use the google translator. Thanks
  21. im still waiting for the proof
  22. Lol ? Mate .. you should see where the mage place the ring ... and yes i tryharded alot on retail in S15 and ring of frost has nothing to do with deepfreeze :3 You should see where the mage is casting the ring WHILE he cast it
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