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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. well if you dont trinket tripple bearhug, you are prob. a huge retard fact is : since guardian isnt working like retail here you won't win against decent players
  2. no. selfheal is affected by dampening, i already tested it. You get flawlessd even before 50% dampening
  3. yeah no problem guys .... NO PROBLEM [ATTACH=CONFIG]88493[/ATTACH]
  4. ^ touching words [ATTACH=CONFIG]88484[/ATTACH]
  5. you guys should stop insulting .. or do you think that he will respond when you gonna write shit like that ? I could talk normally to juster and i also found a way how dionysus get his account back. Since i dont really like him i still managed it for him. Just waiting until he comes online. for the rest here. Baz and me dont even care about if titles are given in 3vs3 or not. I dont really like titltes on a bugged season anyways. But if someone would ask me i would surely say " yeah lets go give them their titles" cuz they (pandawow staff) promised it that they will give titles. Anyways...guys, a title on pandawow means nothing. (if someone see dionysusfag tell him to answer in skype)
  6. you dont get it ? you WON'T be able to talk to juster since he just dont NEED to answer to you. i would just stop writing here i mean .. where is your point ? as you see he delets every post about that so he doesnt wants to talk about it anyways. just wait until the rewards are given and than try it again maybe idk. But for now every from your posts will get deleted i guess He explained it often enough. If its a LIE or not doesnt matther. he is actually the boss of "pandawow" so he can do whatever he want (if you read the agb´s) Doesnt mean im on juster side. I just say if you wont get your acc banned (since i think banning ingame accs for posting in forums is a joke) i would stop. pce
  7. ban inc. :)
  8. ohoh guys this post is going to get deleted soon
  9. no. I already tested it :D trust me i would be the biggest fcking double guardian tryhard that exist. see here :https://bitbucket.org/Malaco/bugreports-mop/issues/926/lyricztwo-and-tanksweg-still-abusing #jaimemad but its so bugged here :/ 2k was max cr at this time on AT mop btw
  10. going to dogmane than ? dionysus isnt deleted. i guess he just moved it to troll him or whatever .. but if a char get deleted he would normally leave the guild and even in the shop you still can find him [ATTACH=CONFIG]88165[/ATTACH]
  11. hehe ... as i see here some ppl dont get listed while they brag 24/7 about how good they are :D after like alot of people in my stream and also ingame asked me if i'll make a list here, i gonna do it This list contains every server and every player. Gonna list alot of players here who i gonna hate but beside of that they can be good also. :mage: baazx / magetrainer x100/fun 2 mages who are even good without abusing rof or shit. :rogue: sokween x100 Really gonna hate this guy, but tbh in my opinion sokween is one of the best rogues since he has retail xp ( dont lie with your 2.9 brah) and every other rogues here are just only mainstream :paladin:Sorry, didnt saw a really good one :hunter: Сороки Sure everyone from the x100 server knows the Hunter who was r1 with KFC. and sure that everyone knows how he abused the explosive shot to get 100k + explosives. But even beside of that he was the only hunter here who could challange me in 2s / 3s :shaman: dionysusqt If i gonna compare him to other people like samuelxo, kennyart or whoelse, he is the only decent / good one here :monk: MW : Kiiwii x100 / ww : obeygodofdmg xfun Well alot of people will laugh when i say kiiwii, but at least he is just the only MW who try to doesnt use paralyse in intervene. Compared to liquidcity ( healing though walls abuse etc. ) and other weird monks he is the best one ive fight against. Obey ? If its the obey from ptr ( what i guess ) than he has actually the most clue about his class. Sorry but didnt even saw a decent ww in the past except him ( as i said if its him, didnt saw him playing ) :druid: restro :asdpro xfun (quit) I remember & hate him when i look back in early s15.(played with neik who abused the PvE weapon) But i fought him and i really had good games against him. His partner was for sure bad but neik just got carried by the bug + this druid. :warlock: Autschbatsch x100 (on fun hes named "whereâreyûat" Since i didnt even saw a good lock who know how to play in 3s beside of autsch (my retail mate ) i just listed him. (destro btw) :warrior: backinbsns xfun / aquavit x100 backinbsns... i really hate this guy but i guess he is the only warrior here with retail xp (even if its only s14 as war) And aquavit ? hmmm he is not that bad so i gonna list him aswell :deathknight:--- Since dk´s can spam necrotics here with huge absorbs i cant really see which dk can play. Also never saw a good "spellcopy" from a dk :priest:Shelbyz x100 For me, the best priest on this server.
  12. where is my money juster ? lel 6 days left buddy
  13. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=137498 nothing to say here anymore ... DECLINED Lol
  14. no...only with poly
  15. juster, you here ?
  16. /PUSH can someone please fix it finally ?
  17. let see, i guess i will get my 150 dollars when "dollar" isnt even a currency anymore
  18. which is bugged but k
  19. 10/10 need a fix
  20. so than tell me what else should be bugged ... i guess its armor but if you have a idea just tell me
  21. where are the proofs ? there is not 1 post about that it should ignore armor ? lol http://gyazo.com/8d2d97db25eeb77f24c2bb08f930fb71 PHYSICAL you know that armor reduce PHYSICAL dmg ? go ahead
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