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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. well just wanted to ask when the new season will finally start ? i mean that people gonna spam the forum etc. is entitled since you guys said within 14 days they will get rewards etc. really more interesting is that you guys said we gonna test the new cross realm system. I was so happy when the cross server was up, i was like OH YES finally 3s queues ... jk not even cross realm there, the question is what we should test there than ? I just want an information when you guys planned to start the season / give rewards and if cross realm arenas are gonna get implement. As i said we are waiting since 2 months now and i just want a new update. But please dont tell us "within this month" or something , i mean we already heard that 2 times now and nothing happened :/
  2. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/20150903/5246300/pobreza-o.gif rof jaaaa http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/20150903/5246300/pobreza-o.gif rof jaaaa http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/20150903/5246300/pobreza-o.gif rof jaaaa http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/20150903/5246300/pobreza-o.gif rof jaaaa http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/20150903/5246300/pobreza-o.gif rof jaaaa
  3. ^ true dat
  4. no. just no
  5. which game are you playing ? you know it exactly, a dk who plays with deathpackt in 3s and don't know how to los. It's fine, we tried to carried Godx but that didnt work. just play on the next tournament, gonna grab real mates than ;)
  6. We still need ~3 teams ! 1 Hour until it starts
  7. /up 5 more teams !
  8. No problem brolinka m7+1
  9. /up ! need 6 more teams !
  10. can some1 ban this piece of dogsh*t ? so bored to read threads like this
  11. sad that they will only mute for that. "faggot" doesnt exactly mean "gay" its more like an insult ;)
  12. the tournament take place on FUN REALM
  13. 1. Ytug 2. Pandawow Fun 3. Told me that i should die, that i am a retard and im "gay" and he also called me "aids scum" Idk what is wrong with him. Maybe because his friends are loosing against me in arenas 24/7 and hes getting mad. 4. http://imgur.com/RHaZlIp [ATTACH=CONFIG]90662[/ATTACH] 5. i guess Pandawow don't need players like that on their server. Hope he will get punished ty.
  14. can some1 delete this post from this random pleb ? castsequence macro... i have to laugh
  15. that's why im playing tsg :3 #skillcap "We still need teams !
  16. "Markzxy's Team: Markzxy Godx Dionysus For all those interested I will be covering the Tourny Live on my twitch: http://www.Twitch.tv/Sazzieu I will be spectating on the games, while also playing with my own team.
  17. claimit is just a bad copy from Kubzy ( who could play almost every class on 2.8-3k ) actually he act like that. The different is that claimit would stuck on 2k. except on rogue, good enough for 2.2k i guess ( retail )
  18. ^ that could be a reason yes
  19. guys, its the server .... The login server is obv. down
  20. would be sad can't find a reason why its not bannable since everyone knows this bug and people are still abusing it as you can obv. see in the screenshots
  21. no. ... its not cross realm .. dont ask me why but juster said that will not added cuz its a test ??
  22. 1. PvP pridefull vendor (horde side ) 2. Can't buy pridefull set items & trinkets on hord side 3. You should be able to buy it with gold ( as it is on alliance side ) 4. 18.08.2015 - tested it on my priest Some classes can buy prideful gear for free but not all. 5. cross test 6. 10/10 can't que arenas on hord cuz of this bug That's not a troll or something, i just want that this server is bugfree and people on Hord can actually play. You told me that It's my cache folder. Ok i followed this steps : Rename the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders to CacheOld, InterfaceOld, and WTFOld. Relaunch so the changes can take effect. or in russian : Переименуйте папки Cache, Interface и WTF в CacheOld, InterfaceOld и WTFOld Перезапустите игру, чтобы сохранить изменения. means after you do that you get a clearly new cache, interface and wtf folder. After that didn't work i deleted everything tried it with a new client i even asked FRIENDS if they can try to do it but STILL you can only see that : http://imgur.com/RToEeNR It is Obvious NOT my cache and not my client ! Horde players (i saw priest & mage now ) still have no set pieces and trinkets for conquest points. i tested everything i can do As i said before thats not a troll or spam i just want that i can que with some other people on hord side. But for noone its working so i gonna try to explain it. I even tried to walk to stormwind on my undead .. i could buy the 2500 Tabard and cloak for gold ( which i couldnt on hord side ) but nothing else. If i missed something juster, let me know and i will test it.
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