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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. 1. PvP pridefull vendor (horde side ) 2. Can't buy pridefull set items & trinkets on hord side 3. You should be able to buy it with gold ( as it is on alliance side ) 4. 18.08.2015 - tested it on my priest Some classes can buy prideful gear for free but not all. 5. cross test 6. 10/10 can't que arenas on hord cuz of this bug .... i deleted my cache etc. ( yes both chache) nothing helped... still the same problem
  2. 1. PvP pridefull vendor (horde side ) 2. Can't buy pridefull set items & trinkets on hord side 3. You should be able to buy it with gold ( as it is on alliance side ) 4. 18.08.2015 - tested it on my priest Some classes can buy prideful gear for free but not all. 5. cross test 6. 10/10 can't que arenas on hord cuz of this bug
  3. http://imgur.com/weoIB8t - pelican / funkstar without absoluteabuser and right after. #selfrekd
  4. ^ german ^^
  5. Я могу попасть на игроков с другого реалма, регнув на тестовом кроссе?
  6. when i see your macros ( like not even dark simulacrum arena 123 ) and than your dmg ive to ask myself if you can be srs ? I mean i don't wanna call you bad but as "highrated" dk you should have at least arena 123 macros beside of focus macros ... fact is that necrotics are bugged on here, and also fact is that absolutezero is abusing shit ( as we already heard ) i really dont care about you since you are not queueing arenas means like doesnt matther for me ...
  7. 1. sashagreyx 2. pandawow fun 3. calling me "nazi" and "german fuck" -racism 4. http://imgur.com/Xs3jUZY,Ey0f4II --> both screens [ATTACH=CONFIG]89765[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89766[/ATTACH] 5. Loosing in 3s and getting mad I'm not that guy who reports cuz of insults, but this shaman spammed my whole chat
  8. don't be mad. Without that bugusing dk you are nothing ! http://imgur.com/weoIB8t you simply can't after you died against my warrior.
  9. its fine, we said absolutezero is an abuser and we got an old gm who even caught him before in the last season. All i needed to hear
  10. ^ and that is way too much. I linked you the videos so i dont have to say anything more
  11. ffs why you are not longer gm ? you seems to be really involved
  12. sure u won't belive what a gm is telling you. your happy now ? after we all heard that hes abusing ? you still try to defend him ? Sad pelican get rekd even in forums @funkstar you are in a really bad position atm. anyways keep crying for a proof, everyone saw that. Doesnt matther what you will write here anymore as you said, he is not abusing ANYTHING, but he is abusing :)
  13. i start to love you @uraganuu :heart: @shepard well sorry for saying that dk is most bugged than. the thing is that i almost only played against absolutezero thats why my opinion was like that against dk´s
  14. Rekd 2.0. Is that proof enough for you ? that your dckhead DK is abusing shit ? i knew it exactly that his dmg isnt normal
  15. Gødx is the best example or ?
  16. ye, between 50k and 100k absorb thats a LITTLE different LOL \0/ who cares about a offseason ? and 2. like everyone is too stupid to understand the runes. But if you do your dmg is insane tzz randoms so hes not abusing everything, but he is abusing something ? wow nice man #selfrekd
  17. "duel" k ok here we go : 50k necrotics per hit + 40k deathcoil CRIT also you see 70k noncrit soulreaper on a lowgeared enhance while the dk has trinekt proc up any questions ? now tell me that 100k necrotics ( from a dk while bursting on my warrior ) + 90k deathcoils (or well as u said 70k lol ) and 180k soul reaper is fine. i have my prove and you ? your turn now later in the video you gonna also see a 135k CRIT soulreaper on a PRIEST ( u know the passive dmg reduce yes ? ) and also 87k necro on a 530 ilvl priest (567k hp with stamina buff is below 500k so its like ~530) missing resillence etc. should be enough i guess
  18. yes on your rating / mmr you see rogues with shuriken toss. I see its useless to discuss with you since we are talking about different things. I'm talking about highrating arenas ( well highrating isnt the correct word for pandawow but well) and you are talking about a 2.4 2.5 bracket. congratz and see ya im out
  19. for people like you 1.6 in wotlk was the highest that they could reach. You don't even know what class i am playing but talking ? k makes you even more stupid for me but let's continue. yes true. Except you I don't need to prove you that holypaladin is way harder to play and its the weakest healer class atm (weakest healer = more skillcap for highrating ? was that too much for you or will you understand that now ?) I'm not saying im the best player or feeling good cuz im 3.2 (3.3 :>) on pandawow im just saying that I've like more retail xp than you on pandawow. and again, im not a rogue ;) btw no one cares if you can do more, fact is you are 2.6k max experience and if you wanna tell me holypal is the easiest heal class you are probably one of this palas who stuck at 2.2. You have no idea how op resto shaman on pandawow is. When i play on my warrior ( markzxy here greetings m8 ) do you think i can easily kill a resto shaman ? lol he get inlined in 20% and ive to kill stun totems & healing totems. Pretty weak yeah but let us buff this class I want to bet you played resto shaman lock. If yes, you are not even 2k on retail if 2.6k was max on pandawow.
  20. Really no idea if its a BUG for me but i see 85 people online on cross realm ( on the homepage ) but i can't login. If it's for everyone just simply delete this thread^^
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