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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=217437&highlight=pillar :)
  2. Thats kinda OP actually free soulburn teleport hm
  3. ahahahahahahahaha why does every critism thread in general discussion gets insta locked ? Pff
  4. Warriors are fucked Dk's are fucked MW's are fucked Priest are fucked Spellque system is fucked MMR / Rating gain is fucked Random dmg peaks that nearly oneshot you such as 90k deathcoils *UNREPRODUCABLE* are fucked entire core is fucked since not even a single quest or spell on here works. Every fix on a spell means 5 new bugs so its impossible to make ANY progress and people are already tired of reporting the same shit the 20th time ppl are allowed to bot and hack just when they pay for it And that is one of the biggest issue on here, people (mostly russians, yes) using hack and scripts and noone gives a fuck. Why do you get instant Teleportet back on Tauriwow when you tp or fly hack ? Why is it possible for a server who actually cares to just deny all kind of hacks ? Now the next point are devs on here ... I mean yeah sure shit like that can happen and other shit can bug out aswell but not every single fucking time. Fixing is literally pointless, you would make more progress by just doing nothing sadly ... Don't get me wrong, Tauriwow is shit too, barely good people and its dead aswell + uve to level etc so not even worth playing tbh. Still the devs are good and actually fix stuff within days after you reportet it. I just dont really play wow at all (overwatch atm :3) but when i do, i do it on other server because people actually get punished for hacks and they care about their server. Whatever, had ++50 threads like this in the past and it turned out that noone gives a flying fuck. Zeox told us to go if we dont like the server so thats what we did. It's so obvious that this server is only oriented in money. Ill just remember you at S1 or S2 where they wanted to gave out the price money for R1 in 2s on x10 (fun and x100 got disqualified for numerous reasons). At the end of the season they told me that they are not able to give out the reward just because they merged x10 and x100 ??? LOL? What about all the people that came from retail? These people were actually people with influence and people alot of other wow player would listen to. You had the chance to become something similar than arenatournament and that was just because we pushed the thread on AJ to the limit. Sadly they just left because of the poor scripting such as Fearpathing, mmr system and things like warrior dmg etc. They literally all left ... every single player who came, every single player with abit game mind and class... Tournaments etc were also never made, the administration never really gave a shit making tournament with stream etc to advertise their server What about the one time you said i wintraded apparently and the only report that was in the forum at this time was about me wintrading as rdruid ele to dartmeganz in 2s because i kept losing as rdruid ele to ret + hunter ??? However, i was disqualified but that was the point of the whole thing. I just wanted to push my druid down from the ladder so my mate can get the glad title. Nothing wrong with that especially because we actually tried to win games but just played a shit comp so we lose. Against who we played was also fucking random and neff clearly saw that we tried to win in the video, thats why he declined the thread. I asked zeox like 5x to link me a report that justifies the assumption that i was wintrading and he kept on not replying and calling me a wintrader xD. What is that shit thaha thread can be found here : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=170482&highlight=Dartmeganz Idk there is so much fucked up stuff here xD About getting muted for saying "fuck" i won't even start talking, i rather have a server with no gm's / mods in that case xD But ye that one got pointed out aswell and noone gave a fuck. Ah ye fuck it maybe it gets better one day, who knows. But i won't place my bets on that :).
  5. He's prob mad that he cant kill the guardian druid which is ... normal when you dont do dmg xD
  6. talk english ???
  7. Noneedholy

    6th season 3v3

    Ok i guess
  8. oooo ma boy is back, check discord
  9. OW you guys are qt :333 with you my best
  10. Let me tell you what they'll do. They will "fix" this bug or just disable MC and think everything is fine
  11. Spellque and MMR bugged out the ass aswell for ages ... i even tried to help Heisenberg with the calculation but i'm sorry, this is not my job to provide and make my own formular nor to fix ur server lol ... looks like everyone is chillin' and noone really gives a flying fuck. Whatever, as soon as you fix stuff 20 other things are bugged out again xD pointless, just pointless to even continue.
  12. Unban for money btw Xd fuck this shit, this system is dead. Everyone is allowed to hack, bot and script as long as he pays for it, that's so dumb
  13. Melees are fucked out the ass on Pandawow especially dk and after prob. warrior
  14. Can we add spellque please ? Wait wtf xD ? What are these screens LOL
  15. Banned for wintrading aswell ? Nice, you are such a great player
  16. Erm .. we gathered points from you for like 1 week straight, you lost almost every game as ele dk Hpala out of like 30 LOL You never farmed my druid in 3s which is already sad enough while hacking you dumbass LOL Sad enough that you even know which WPE filter exist out there for holy pala. Scumbag
  17. oww you're mad. Let me tell you that i had better games with pewds and teracoda as Godcomp or with Abu and aveqt as WMD just because i actually used voice there :D so yeah, you have no idea what you are talking about xD
  18. No i don't. I don't run around and tell people that im playing like a blizzcon warrior *cough* autistic wowfreakz pala *cough* Gz you won against my war as scleave. You literally donated 300 rating to our LSD .. literally got farmed the entire week. Why are you talking shit and brag about being good when you are shit ?´But yeah, guess i'll let you be happy with the fact that you beat my warrior smh xD
  19. Yeah, you did. Furthermore, on a scale from 1-10, how emberrasing is it to actually lose to my war xD? It's like my 3rd alt for those who wants to get an insight of the situation : https://www.freakz.ro/forum/Arena-season-reset-t454518-0.html?lowfi=1 You should link the thread, not only a picture.
  20. Sorry but i played few games against jimjim and he didn't run midmap like a mongo and dies like you did in 3s last time ... Like a half year ago when max was casually playing Hpala topping everything with 1 button because that's how pala works on Pandawow. Aswell as like 4-5 months ago when i played Hpala and got R1 in 2s after 1 week of playing it because it's a hard spec on Pandawow (jk).. Stop making a big thing out of it, 3s queues are literally dead and you guys farm tripple dps teams most of the time xD Well, you don't understand alot about computer/programming etc, do you ? You can't just find a proof for WPE if the user is not completly dumb lol. Only way to get this person banned IF he uses PQR is let his account check by a GM / Admin. We could expose Sadmana only because he was literally spamming 20 necrotics in a row. If you just slightly increase your stats or the damage of few spells, it's literally undetectable for people without a deep insight of your logs. At the end of the day you can't 100% say that they are botting. Ask a GM to check their accounts and if they won't find anything well, deal with it unless theres a way for you to proof that they're botting. However, the thread itself is legit, i also can't really believe that sakion is doing this dmg on a legit way. Fenemore who played technically better (more stops, cc, better kicks and so on - ofc, he is 3k + on retail aswell) did way less damage for some reason aswell (Just an example). So the assumption that they're botting due the reasons i wrote above, AND because they got banned on wowfreakz for using WPE is legit but you have to let a gm check their accounts, thats all you can do, you can't just ban them because they got banned somewhere else. Don't get me wrong, you are either a player who does some really good plays during the game but at the same time you fuck things up like a 1.7k player, or you are just a bot. I don't know and tbh i don't really care, there will always be someone botting on pandawow, already gave up trying to report people for that xD
  21. 1. Every hunter trap, http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=13813 , http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=13809 , http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=1499 , http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=34600 , just simply ALL traps 2. Trigger within 0,5-1 seconds 3. should have an "arm time" of 2 seconds 4. appeared like 2-3 months ago, was "kinda" fixed before 5. cross 6. 7-8/10 proof: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/10259855892 https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/12090019182 btw its 2 seconds from the moment the trap hits the floor just check these threads.
  22. So you're using lag7 ? Nice
  23. yeah retards wtf
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