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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Yo what classes are needed for ur raid ? I actually thought about buying a char on x100... casually
  2. ´ Wtf ? https://forums.epsilonwow.net/topic/175-full-native-morph-id-list/ Lists like that exists in the internet and theres a native ID for every single race out there. Can't and don't want to test it because there is nothing more uninteresting imo. But feel free to search for those ID's and try them out. Had a list for the old Pandawow morpher, a fully working one with every native race but i lost it. So gl ;)
  3. Thuhnk yu vere much for diz guide
  4. I think they kick you because you are bad. No offense. You are bad.
  5. what ? I just didn't understand the content at all
  6. Well yeah there we go.
  7. sooo.. if that's close to legit i really wonder why every shaman played NS instead of echo. That you can get once lucky with all procs yeah sure, can happen. But that you do 300k + damage with a single eleblast (same global at least) literally every game is just insane and beyond everything ive ever seen from enhance shamans. That has nothing to do with RNG anymore. Enhance shamans on Pandawow are doing consistently 300k damage globals. People already popping their cd's after eleblast even though you are full hp with shields o. s. up just because they know they will do 600k in a global which is just absurd. Didn't really read the report tho, will it fix much ? Or just a minor thing
  8. LF raidguild 700k DPS Arms warrior, much slam damage w/me
  9. That is 300k damage in 1 single global literally in 1 MS Hows that a thing lol. And whats bugged with echo there
  10. Any thoughts ? Wasn't ascendance btw look at the timestamps btw. And it's not like that happens barely or something. is that shit even reportet ?
  11. Some of you forget that this is a random battleground. If you want any sort of competitive or fair battleground you have to que rated. There are sometimes queues in the evening (especially on the weekend) There won't be a MMR system nor a ilvl requirement. I mean it's obvious, for what? Its a random bg and if you want a good BG experience you HAVE TO que rated. Battlegrounds are a way to gear up and they always were. Plus i don't really see the problem. As a fullgeared dude who is tryharding normal bg's you can literally solocarry that. Just play a proper DPS class and you are good to go. Literally 1v6'd on my mage last weekend when i just queued a random BG. Most people are lowgeared so it's not really a problem. Another point: If i assume right you are a multiboxer ? If that's true, never ever complain about someone ruining your battleground experience. I can imagine how bad/new/casual player feel like facing x4 the same dude just oneshotting their ass. Just my 2 cents ofc, i don't really play random BG's because it's just not a form of competitive PvP, so you shouldnt treat it like it is aswell.
  12. Whatever happened, i'm happy for every kind of harassment he is confronted with. Totally deserved. As many people already said, read the loot rules. Bye :)
  13. Excuse triggar47, he's kinda ... dumb.
  14. ahahahahahaha this is comedy pure Ok my bad i won't spam your post. I'm out, sorry.
  15. You shouldn't have to gear up to be able to gear up.
  16. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=237372&highlight=nerdslayer Prideful Gladiator Maxuhmilli orbbotting on a private server http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/290/942/c31.png
  17. I au, willsch mol lutsche?
  18. The Botter himself reported another botter LOL
  19. naw i meant that it bugged out recently, idk if its fixed yet. So my point is, Pandawow is never ever gonna be working because they bug out everything after a new patch weren't there more echo reports in russian section like autsch said ? I've 0 clue what is it about but imo its still weird that people still play echo instead of NS and do an insane amount of damage "fixed 18/4" im almost 100% sure pandawow didnt apply it yet, right ?
  20. ???? Stop commenting and read my comment first lool
  21. what The healing part got bugged out recently for sure and this thread is more like a reminder for anyone whos passioned to report enhance bugs Plus i see more and more enha shamans oneshotting everything
  22. Anyone else noticed you have Ascendance up the entire game and heal like a resto ? Any reports about this already or do i have to expect more spastic inbreds running around dealing 40k dps ? btw
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