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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. They all get +12 on like ~3k cr. Same as on Pandawow so in that case our formular works fine. But yeah, it's just the rating gain on lower mmr/cr i guess
  2. Sounds great but Just give someone 4 accounts lol. Should be enough to test
  3. Thats the wotlk formular, obslet and not relevant for the thread here, but ty anyways
  4. That we don't have to play 100 games to finall get 2.2 mmr lol That's not how it works. You won't get alot or much rating on high mmr. +96 is not possible anymore on higher rating. The rating gain slows down on high rating. So i think our RATING GAIN on like 3k + mmr is fine atm. Because atm on Pandawow the max you can get is +23 and i think on 3k+ mmr on retail you couldnt get more aswell. It helps you to get rating in the beginning. Thats also why everyone complains about 3k xp player playing on ~1.7 mmr because they simply won't get more mmr We (the higher rated player (2k+ )) are just bored of fighting low xp'd teams for around 100 games. That's just not how MMR should work. The system should react to the fact that you are better than the enemy teams on your mmr. Right now it does but super slow so you've to farm 80-90 another lowrated teams to get a decent mmr I don't really get this calculation but i don't understand how your mmr can be lower than your rating after winning games.
  5. Bro, please stop with this nonsense... holy shit Please only MOP videos. MMR changed afterwards There you go @heisenberg that should help alot
  6. Let's not take cutted videos. There are enough stream vod's outta there. Will look into it later
  7. Would be also appreciated if people could link arena footages where people play alot of games so we can see their mmr / rating gain
  8. Oh god, delete your account please
  9. Just no class stacking (for dps) ty Comps such as double rog are pure cancer and you can already leave if you even face halfbrained people
  10. Bull****, we are playing Soloque 3vs3 not a skirmish bro. If you want to cap Go into a BG or play some 2s
  11. Do you even know what battle fatigue is btw ? In that video you can see it heals even more than damage than PLUS normally it should be affected by battle fatigue lol ...
  12. Things like that have to get hotfixed lol It makes mages ultimately BrokeBack
  13. yes its the same, some1 should report it too
  14. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=198111/temporal-shield 2. heals for WAY too much. It heals even more than you got damaged for 3. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=201634&highlight=temporal+shield thats how it should work 4. After update 5. Cross 6. 10/10 mages are immortal with that please fix that URGENTLY, mages can simply 30-100% themselfes without any issues PM: We had that fixed before the update but somehow it broke again
  15. That's how it is with pretty much every hot as Rdruid. Would mean you reduce entire Druid healing by 33%. Well then druid would be beyond useless. Useless report
  16. Hello community, this is just a thread where we'll write our suggestions regarding the Soloque in. I'll start, 1) Itemlevel requirement set to ~540, it's obvious but again for some people: The community wanted a Soloque and not a skirmish. And it's just aids to get full tyrannical teammates even on high mmr (when there are not enough ppl in que ) So yeah, this shouldn't be a bracket where you can just cap your toons after you created them obviously. I think i can remember AT and *****eakz having the same. Another suggestion would be 2) Disable Class stacking. Idk it's just stupid to see double rogue comps or anything like that. Just disable class stacking at least for DPS, however i don't really think it would be an problem if Healer and DPS are the same class. Like resto druid and feral for example. It can work out, it's not as crucial as if both dps were the same class. 3) And maybe not let fresh character (~1.5 mmr - 1.6) play with higher rated ones (1.9+) Let them get together or get lower people. It's just frustrating to get with people together who have 0 game knowledge when you are playing on higher rating. 4) someone thought about a harder punish for people who don't join ? Maybe increase the debuff to 5min / 15 / 30 / 60 Please consider the fact that soloque is competitive in a way. We asked for a soloque and not for 3vs3 skirmish. That's from me for now, if you have any suggestions just write them below + please fix the bug that as soon as someone joins AFTER the battle has started, it fucks up the entier Arena frames for the enemys.
  17. Yeah, someone should really report that things such as Warrior leap etc shouldnt be stopable midair. To give them more mobility and make them viable :) morons.
  18. Yeah i agree, that's pretty huge. Holypala is unplayable atm. All this 2k+ Palas who are backpaddling for a living AND clicking their abilities are just good btw. Btw pala is not good btw not T1 on pandawow aswell kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappa
  19. Once you got infight you shouldnt get deserter anymore.
  20. If its written in proper english, i do. So what is this thread about if ur just joing?
  21. A blizzcon player doesn't die as Hpala in 3 minutes to a Warrior.
  22. thats wotlk, obslet that could maybe help, but still not an formualr sadly
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