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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy

    arena/bg save

    Focus on important bugs who effect every player please. /Push !
  2. Noneedholy

    Lightwell 2

    NICE ty for the answer, are u his mother now or what xD Ye make it random i dont give a shit, it cant be worse than now ... god
  3. Kappa
  4. LUL forgot that already. Blaston the scammer :O
  5. Noneedholy

    Lightwell 2

    Just an offtopic question ... Heisenberg could u find a way to fix mmr ?
  6. EleGiggle
  7. Here son : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KI23T8U/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00KI23T8U&linkCode=as2&tag=httpwwwtwi0ab-20&linkId=EAEZL47T3CAI66PL get a good one
  8. .... xD
  9. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=139/renew 2. As first tick (as soon as you apply it) you get ~100k heal (looks like the whole amount gets healed whenever you apply renew) 3. It should start with a normal renew tick 4. 14.11.2016 5. fun 6. 5/10 proofs: https://youtu.be/xcl88NUBVn8?t=26s You can even watch it with slowmode at this point and see that the first tick he gains is ~4k.
  10. werent you that guy who queued rogue mage and abused the shit out of temp shield ? Ohhh the irony is so strong lol
  11. gtfo ur can*er
  12. /up ......
  13. It would be nice to remove the 2.7 acm from all who didnt get it in 3s.
  14. Nice try faq :cry: :mocking: :cry: :mocking: :cry: :mocking: :cry: :mocking: :cry: :mocking: :cry: :mocking: inb4 Google translation rage.
  15. ahm ye ? Thats what i said lol
  16. Ok ...
  17. LMAO already forgot that vote4bulletball ...
  18. checked and did 54k bites on mages ... :(
  19. Well i also couldnt find anything about resil isnt same for everyone. And btw that has nothing to do with logic. Any proofs or smth? Really wondering if theres smth true behind that thesis
  20. We really need an option to downvote (:
  21. Thats really weird indeed. Try to find a vid from mop. Cant remember u got rooted mid way
  22. Guess what, hes playing DK (:
  23. Trump will start a war against everyone he doesn't like lol
  24. ???? Just add it ffs lol
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