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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. As far as i remember that was only a thing in WOD or ?
  2. Pujo the point is..... Ur annoying
  3. xd meanwhile people sitting here, posting 4 years old Facebook pictures and gonna stay a virgin forever. Akuyama, you talking about RL is so ironic i can't even describe that
  4. "Songcomeback" Isn't that this completly bullshit hunter who even lost against my mage ? Jesus motherfcking christ leave this thread, thats an L2P issue, ur just scared for beeing even more shit after they fixed that :)
  5. And thats how it does not work atm on Pandawow you genius.... God, random people ... But what do i expect from a hunter playing in the rat league
  6. So it's a woman/grill? Explains alot :) - - - Updated - - - Ah ye btw u got banned bcuz cumstock reportet you. Its an old mod and as far as i know he like sucking d's.
  7. This russian GM is pathetic and its nothing new. I dont even know how this incompetent guy can still be a gm
  8. No he forgot the most important one which isnt shadowfiend ... please add that pirge doesnt cancel MC
  9. Thats not what he meant ... If you disable the totems you won't see the important ones also. Guess he means that this trashtotems shouldnt have nameplates. Not sure tho
  10. Any news ? @Heisenberg
  11. http://cdn.dota2.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/03/036bb21dfa9ea00e1ceb4da5f269c7375e845854_full.jpg
  12. thats a copy paste from wowiki "reflect" and its outdated since wotlk i guess
  13. Noneedholy


    I guess there was once a russian report about it ... can't find it because i don't have that retarded kind of keyboards at home :l
  14. Noneedholy


    except shelby, me, smalltow, Talbyfirst(purpolz) ye Keepo No but actually i was wondering because bliz promised to care about pvp and they went in the right direction FOR FIRST. Now its gonna become garbage meh
  15. Noneedholy


    Thats because alot of ppl went on retail because it looked amazing. And tbh the first week it was really really nice to play (Dont forget its the 1. season !) But yeah, blizzard fucked up the whole game after 7.1 and now ppl are coming back
  16. Noneedholy


    Yes, its just you.
  17. disgusting wintrade rats. How the fuck can you be THAT stupid and wintrade in a OFFSEASON
  18. Gosh pujo gtfo once for all you are the new diabolique
  19. Having sex with a condom is like eating your favourite sandwich with a plastic bag around. -Hansol
  20. 2s on panda on war
  21. Ye, maybe i can do something these days
  22. 1/10 no man.
  23. and wheres ur problem ?
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