"I will close and decline ALL TOPICS with words , thoughts etc without NORMAL reports. All reports with damage problem where i won't see formulas and other - will be declined too. I don't want to make PandaWoW the second Arena Tournament, where all core is full of hacks because admins and players want so. Our goal is to create BLIZZLIKE server. If you don't know how to calculate or prove a bug - don't create bug report, open a topic for discussion in game section and maybe someone who KNOWS MECHANIC will help you.
Topic is closed."
Rly ? So when i for example (who has way more pvp xperience than you, post a GUESS, you wont even think about it ? You want proof for every bug while some bigs CANT even be proofed (procc chance etc) ? Yes, its sad because you dont want to be like Arena tournament because they were blizzlike ( dmg wise)
Anyways if such things like dmg in fear (with absorbs) ddoesnt break gets DECLINED i rly wonder if one of you guys ever played pvp...
" oh look boys, he has monk bubble ... lets JUST FEAR HIM and reck his bubble 100-0
Everyone who did that thougt KNOWS that its not working as intended. Same goes for roots not breaking from dmg in absorbs. Ur bubble is useless when a mage can use 5 icelances in 1 nova rofl ...
Dont feel offended zeox bit these things i count as "general knowledge" (in wow) and you shouldnt post such things imo