Yeah well rofl ur prob not that much in the marterie but ill still explain it.
In early Pandawow times alot of sht was clientside and not serverside ( dont ask me why) so it was easy AF for ppl to hack/ abuse w/e
Anyways, doomcryer, Сороки, wet and many other russians confirmed it that absolutezero got reportet alot of times in the russian sections for abusing things and also got banned not only once. That's all i need to know actually. Got some links 1-2 years ago but don't have them anymore. Probably a good idea to ask neff if ur rly that tryhard and want proofs. But yeah, ill say it over and over again, Fenemore is actually the only DK who played not completly shit here and did a well gameplay by stopping & stealing cc.
Well, That happens when Pandawow trying to fix smth ... thats how it is, isnt it :D? I just hope that Legion season gonna be good (at least better than wod) so i dont have to feel the pain over and over again