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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Yo blaston ? Ive to feed my family and need the 25 euros
  2. Yes it is, thos guys are top 20 in the ladder and clearly wintrader
  3. You don't need a proof at all. the whole Community here can tell you that this guys are wintrader since NOONE EVER played against them and still they are in top 10 lol. Just a please that you can check this guys ... i can swear on everything i have that this guys are wintraders ... You can't just say that wintraders will get banned at the end of the s. because they were enough who still got their title *cough* saadx *cough*
  4. lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  5. omfg pujo stop doing formulas when u cant even calculate
  6. "removed to avoid aids spam"
  7. your disability degree is not possible to exceed
  8. Lets just all ignore the fact that it was always like this and pandawow never gave a single f*ck What u expect, you can pay to cheat which is the most stupid thing ive seen so far in my wow carreer
  9. Best idea ive heard so far FailFish
  10. Let me guess, its still as bugged as before ?
  11. All i read here is that dion is cocky bout akuyama getting titles ? I mean yeah, if u get ur title out of 2s instead of 3s it can be depressing since 3s requires alot more skill but its still a private server with way too less good players to play competitive 3s. That has been discussed already if im not wrong. And the argument that more player would play 3s if you remove titles in 2s is not that correct. A few more people would prob que 3s and the 2s que would be almost dead. Gj so you cant do anything anymore on Pandawow
  12. never seen a bk threw 2 starsurges in 1 global without casting proof ?
  13. Yeah well rofl ur prob not that much in the marterie but ill still explain it. In early Pandawow times alot of sht was clientside and not serverside ( dont ask me why) so it was easy AF for ppl to hack/ abuse w/e Anyways, doomcryer, Сороки, wet and many other russians confirmed it that absolutezero got reportet alot of times in the russian sections for abusing things and also got banned not only once. That's all i need to know actually. Got some links 1-2 years ago but don't have them anymore. Probably a good idea to ask neff if ur rly that tryhard and want proofs. But yeah, ill say it over and over again, Fenemore is actually the only DK who played not completly shit here and did a well gameplay by stopping & stealing cc. Well, That happens when Pandawow trying to fix smth ... thats how it is, isnt it :D? I just hope that Legion season gonna be good (at least better than wod) so i dont have to feel the pain over and over again
  14. qt ... this guys above me never seen ppl like sadmana qeueuing 2s :D
  15. GG this server became less competitive than Adversewow was
  16. Ye because billy would give a single fuck about what u guys do here xD. W/e abu djtpz and dion are doing here but its actually fun to see all this threads. Huehuehuehue
  17. Pandawow Schutzstaffel
  18. Wow lol ... you obviously have no god damn clue how Pandawow works, do you ?
  19. About that delay thingy ... is the staff aware of it ? I mean is there a russian report about that already ? Because in their opinion its not lagging at all while u can see a huuuuuuge difference between w**mane and pandawow ping wise. I mean my ms is fine but its still laggy af.
  20. It consumes
  21. Arent you sweating already :) ?
  22. LOL that comment /facepalm
  23. 7/10 like his others more Idk but i love it lmao
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