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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. srs question ? Ofc u should be able to reflect
  2. http://i.imgur.com/k4OZSpX.jpg 4Head
  3. 90k Coils so legit hm ?
  4. meh ... 4/10 for dat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzen8_NV26Y ah and here a 9/11
  5. Don't get me wrong but that is simple logic that a AOE spell shouldn't hit through pillars Oo
  6. U wont go anywhere with this "proof"
  7. Beside the fact that i cant believe u just said that ROFL ill just point out that even in ur videos its only moving in the BEGINNING when he comes down. If you watch both videos to the end you can CLEARLY see that gargoyle is not following and casting. As you see it stands still, trying to cast and at the end it realizes that target is not in LoS so its moving again. Doesnt matter neff but everyone who plays on this server above 2k knows that its gonna be a pleague from Dk's oneshotting everyone now. But hey ill let you guys do ... You get all that shitstorm in ur forums lel
  8. report it m9
  9. https://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu --> 2s ft. the allmighty velirium ! Practising rdruid again !
  10. It consumes on a 2nd account
  11. You just opener a new thread to say that ? Amazing this guy lmfao
  12. Noneedholy

    TOP 3v3

    like ... what server ur playing on m9 ?
  13. No. That's exactly why frostshoz said that ... lol
  14. since when u play here btw ? Lel
  15. i wanted too but ... dont expect him to get it
  16. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=27829/ebon-gargoyle (summoned by the DK with the spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49206/summon-gargoyle ) 2. It's moving while casting 3. it should be only able to cast while standing at one place (not moving at all) 4. 12.08.2016 5. fun / x100 6. 8/10 makes the burst almost unkiteable proofs : There you see it's simply following /trying to follow without casting pujo inc
  17. lol ur so mad
  18. There are multiple vids linked to you now and still yet you try to stick on ur thesis ... How about proofing it with a video or smth instead ? You cant just say its logic because 2 stacks reduce it by 50%. Some things just stop stacking thats how it works for many spells.
  19. ah ... how does it live there in the rat league @1.5 mmr ?
  20. JESUS amiko can you just shut the fck up ? You already got farmed 5-0 in a mirror against me and funka and still yet you are crying around and try to excuse urself for being so god damn bad. Ur not even capable to play WLS, play a new class or smth like DK. You are pathetic dude, get smth to do irl bcuz here ur just wasting ur time
  21. Licher is a good mod Kappa
  22. Shroom so usefull 4Head.
  23. Thanks. Make things way easier for me now.
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