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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Why do you make posts like this ? I mean wheres the point from all of it ? Ik its general discussion but that is just out of every context
  2. Señorpujo, kk
  3. Jut alot of jajas so im right.
  4. Wow people still dont realize why there are no 3s queues lol ... Even the 2vs2 queues are dead, there are no decent/good players left simple as that. How to fix that problem ? Fix this shit important bugs in the "other" section and then ppl might enjoy playing here
  5. Admins still AFK ?
  6. Lol... hes a jaja burrito tard like you, why do u even wonder
  7. Rip, thought it was real Kappa
  8. Doubt ppl will take that for real without any proofs or more infos
  9. take care, when i tell you the truth you might die from a brain fart. Same what happened to takaa when i told him dk's are not like they were on retail here
  10. Why would we trust russians lel
  11. dk druid calling firemage rdruid fotm .. KK next level shit I mean .. is this becoming a new game ? Who plays the bigger fotm shit ? Because if so, you clearly win by playing TSG lol ur so salty u resemble a http://kids.discovery.com/img/slideshow/mike-rowe-salt-mine-640.jpg
  12. wow so much effort ... just to mention once again that u got stomped against salie .. damn ye sry i remind to the games when i faced you while playing with purpolz ( not even dion lol ) u died in 2 minutes :D Ye i queued some games on 2.9 with chiv and hit 3.3 with dionysus as rsham war anything else to say DK druid fotmscum ?
  13. pretty sure it shouldnt as far as i know. Just take the priest horror stun as example. I remember getting rekt in 3s against WWLS in a coil after fist
  14. it's the fact that this guys are tryharding WMD with voice and spamque into 1.6 & 1.7 teams ... Theres noone srs queueing 3s atm who can farm them so..
  15. Ye thats what i know
  16. i didnt know lol .. but thats even more sad when i see how takaa tried to tell me MW war is impossible to win as rdruid DK and they just do it. Anyways ye i was already wondering whos that druid since he plays really really bad tbh
  17. Lol ye just remember me that u lost against the worst mw lmaooo. Btw fisen killed these 2.5 mw wars yday as rdruid DK so wheres ur problem m8 ? Ye i played that comb only for 2 games to stomp you lul. Uknow ... If i que a scum comb for 2 games over the whole season compared to you who que Rdruid DK the whole time since its all you can play .... then yeah you should be quiet :D Fotmhero get shit on.
  18. no, you clearly understood otherwise ive to tell u that ur english sucks
  19. talking about ur best friend Saadx :) ? Ah the Rdruid + DK war here .. amazing lmfao whos the best dk druid
  20. jesus its gonna be so boring ... u cant even que rsham war properly when 8/10 teams are mw war lol ... srsly this queues are so boring
  21. Oh yeah, why not just make a whole realm like all in once so we get a 24/7 lagfiesta
  22. promise, even with rushing jade u gonna win with that comb
  23. IS that a new thing now ? Creating new accounts and mocking ppl ? lel you are almost like djmercifaq
  24. they got reportet and declined because nothing was wrong with these formulas
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