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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. There are some lua scripts which are allowed to use and some which can only be used with an lua unlocker.
  2. Balance rogue on 4 lel ? Its the best in that list id say.
  3. Noneedholy


    His old mate is dante/magetrainer not bestworld. Btw now i know why diabolique has tons of screenshots ... he just post them all over again lol. I see screenshots there which are 1 years old lel. Dont worry m8 ill do 3k as rog mage with repitch Ezpz
  4. Noneedholy


    LOOOOOOOOOL Made my day. Botting and hacking + wintrading and cant even get glad Gg
  5. Noneedholy


    5000 screenshot on your computer but not even 1 title ingame Must hurt hm ?
  6. Noneedholy


    Lul, diaboliqtrash still trying to proof us smth. Btw nice WMS you played there and lost twice against a demo lock Lmao
  7. You learned some new words. Im amazed pleb. Yes, you are the only1 here who thinks wod rating matters so i really dont get ur point. Also i dont even play monk which makes it weird that i should look for orb bots. K Caught for wintrade ? Everyone saw that the wintrade report got declined and zeox just did many mistakes in the 2. s. Awards. Anyways bud, ur one of this guys who talk about "private server glads" "pandawow tryhards" etc. While you dont even play above 2.2k here (my bet cuz you suck) so how dare you to judge anything you god damn pleb ? Be quiet when you are an private server challanger "EleGiggle". Nice profile pic yo. Yeah, people try to burn whith their mighty challanger title. Im impressed lel Ye sry garodar i wont keep talking with this mindless pleb since hes another keyboardwarrior outta there ;)
  8. You cant reslly compare that. Imagine there would be good mages on Pandawow. Atm we got like 2-3 good mages only. And this mages nearly destroy every warrior team. Get more mages ---> less warriors.
  9. Why just not report the size of link ?
  10. Lol and i thought hes an orange seller
  11. Jesus this guy .... max 2.0 and you dont even realize that noone cares. Nolifer.
  12. Well thats the huge disadvantage when ur playing on a good rating. You will always have fat nolifers which are obsessed with you
  13. As far as i know, volcano cleave was a thing back in cata and was ele firemage + disc priest. In mop even ppl like livin called it shatter cleave (with a rdruid) . Even tho they played fire. Anyways doesnt matter since im probs wont be able to play anyways
  14. 1/10 npt even more lol
  15. I dont really understand ... wheres the problem ?
  16. Yep, thats what i meant
  17. Schools out was early today hm ? Even tho it was out of every context here i'm sure ur happy to say smth due your ADH syndroms
  18. Pujo only because ur too bad to play ur class good, doesnt mean that ur class is bad atm. L2P issue
  19. That has nothing to do with warriors. Its the lack of mmaps / pathfinding on Pandawow which makes this possible.
  20. Did you know that triggar47 stinks ?
  21. Did u know that the ape next to terry crews in the beginning of the movie was named ceasar like terry crews from expendables 2 ? Lul Magic ...
  22. Damn ... didnt even know mac miller is an actor in scary movie lol ...
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