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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. @Zeox is there a way to not give 26 people glad ? I mean thats really overflooded
  2. Wow Good job !! Really amazed on how fast you did it this time. Now i hope you keep up this good work on your mop project :)
  3. No, most of the ppl think its weird that you stucked the whole season between 2k and 2.2 and all of a sudden you bought a highrated lock and now you claim to played his cr up by urself. Also i can't remember seeing bruce below 2.3 cr in 3s It's weird and fits together like a puzzle for me tbh
  4. Noone cares what you played. Fact is that at the end of the season you got literally farmed with your most known lock (worstworld) not only by me lol. As i said noone gives a shit what happens in the beginning of the season since you fcked up at the end completly when ppl played serious. You can upload the screens where you won against smalltow (lol) but i'M telling you that noone will give a shit diabolique 2. Taking screenshots while playing on down syndrome mmr gg trademollo if you consider telling me that wintrade = skill yes, but prob you didnt understand this simple logic. Beside the fact that diabolique played KFC (scroll up yo) and wintraded.
  5. At the end it only matters who has higher Cr don't you think ;) ? (unless you play TSG or bm KFC) go ahead, noone will stop you
  6. http://i.imgur.com/qMKXZKh.gif
  7. Noneedholy


    Does it matter ? No it doesnt. There are good 3s mages who also tryhard 2s lol .. even on retail
  8. I guess you can only cs through it with a spell CS .. means counter spell from mages or locks etc. You should be immune to pummel etc. test it
  9. Well then ... do your russian tourny w/e
  10. Noneedholy


    Nice quote pleb, maybe next time. Idk if you think ppl gonna take you srs in that way how you express yourself
  11. Noneedholy


    nice try but my sentence was correct. Yeah there is not 1 valid report about me wintrading .. weird hm :) ? Compared to you i will get my title this season ;) Your english triggers me ... it triggers me
  12. Noneedholy


    Yeah sorry, didnt expect you to be completly dumb. Trademollo go outta there you s*ck
  13. Noneedholy


    Fucking learn how to spell a fcking word properly ffs
  14. Noneedholy


    k i|m out losing brain cells
  15. Get a life. Tryharding inmid of the summer lel ...
  16. Look, there the sun outside. Nóneedholy, how about trying to go out or smth instead of tryharding lel
  17. 120 euro für 1250 bonuse ? Vll meintest 12 euro für 1250 und das minus könnte besagen das deine zahlung abgelehnt wurde bzw zurückgegangen ist
  18. First of all to becone good is sticking to a class, play on highrating and gain tons of game experience. If then you want to reroll you should first read the whole spellbook from race passives till class passives (ye no joke), reading guides and watching videos or best, spectate good people on pandawow during arena. So ye only chance to become better is to que against good people. So you are forced to play with randoms unless ur friends are pretty good That are my tips to reroll in general. Otherwise yeah, if you tried already every class and nothing makes fun theres no reason to continue playing lol ... just get the class where uve the most fun and which is viable in 2s since you wont be able to practise in 3s on Pandawow due no queues nor good teams. For my part, im playing like 9 different classes and so also their different specs. Cant complain sbout game fun :D
  19. Noneedholy


    ......destroyed Especially after that "hhahahhthtatagavahgsxab" i feel totally r3kT
  20. Reportet for tmorph.
  21. Ill find frostshoz and snipe him with my flag. Warrior incoming 4Head
  22. Noneedholy


    No i just respond to that qzyo guy who needs sone attention Ye triggar is a genius we already figured that out /lol
  23. And again, no support for the english section. Fck that lmao
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