Hello Juster
I guess we don't have to discuss about if this is a game breaking bug or not. People stuck on lowrating forever and it makes it so much harder to get on higher mmr. Equals less queues on Higher mmr and PPL who can gain rating while farming 1.5 Teams.
Yes you are right it's not only game breaking, it's also totally unfair because nolifer & tryhards like kailly (for example) or telpin who just said yesterday to his 3s mates that he wants to farm some 1.6 Teams gets rewarded. Since this is mainly a PvP server, this bug should have a 10/10 priority for the devs. Same as the Bug where you get kicked out of arena after a Dc etc. But yeah the devs are not good. Yes they can script better than we can do it but still, they are not good at their job here as we can clearly see.