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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Tbh as soon as you don't talk about all this "Pegida" faggots you are right. Merkel is a slut.
  2. The wintrader is talking about not getting titles. This is gold
  3. Juster's last activity was at the 21st of April so yeah dont expect an answer too early
  4. Lmao killed me. But yeah that fits
  5. Wow what the actually fuck are you talking about ? I said if you only want to cry get your ass out here ffs. And again i got my titles on other servers 2 hours after season ended so your argument is invalid. Idgaf they should give titles and fix major bigs thats all. Not my god damn fucking problem if the staff is unable to do anything
  6. Why didn't you name it LF lock / sham for 3s ?
  7. Cyka blyat guys. its just cyka blyat
  8. Ye the syka blyat was strong with me last night.
  9. much drunk such syka blyat the whole evening.
  10. You are a really really really really really really really really bad mod. ur english ffs
  11. Short story for you.. So I log into pandawow after a couple months to q some 3s. I queue up, and every game is laggy as fuck. Players always d/cing and cross-realm always shutting down. Even when it's not shutting down, there's so much lag it's unplayable. So my question to Juster is: Have you basically given up on pandawow now? Also, what happened to giving titles out in April? :P Cheers copy pasterino.
  12. Hello?please foy km out - - - Updated - - - Im out * *
  13. Noneedholy


    i dont understand why you always ignore my answers xD 1. We had a conversation and it's easy to understand that you meant me lol ? You wasnt talking to someone else ;) 2. I already answered this question. You pull it into consideration which is enough in my opinion to take it as "blame my english" 3. Exactly, as i said theres a small degree so id call it an insult but ive to prepare myself to do things that nolifers gonna do hehe :D Please continue this thread till we get page 100 ... thanks
  14. Noneedholy


    arguing can't explain it better but you won't understand it anyways :/ its not said that arguing has always something to do with insulting but theres a small degree
  15. Noneedholy


    also not that hard to understand. And yes to go back to point 1 you said you won't discuss with me anymore because my life is wow (that's btw nice to hear such things i didnt know about myself :D) please dude. Stop arguing now and leave :D. But yeah, get your xbox and play another game ... probs better
  16. Why would you play on a server where the staff is not doing anything ? No fixes, no titles, no nothing actually ... People will leave here and it will soon look like Warmane atm.
  17. Noneedholy


  18. Noneedholy


    And now we go from retail WOW to the real life argue. You are actually totally amazing ... What do you know about my real life ? I'm barely online since start of the current season also im barely streaming so how you dare to judge my RL now ? What is going on do you even know my second name :D? It's actually amazing how you try to blame me but failed hard. Yes it can happen to lose against players. I actually lost against the biggest retard here already but not on my main. You can't always win and sometimes you are just bored and you play totally bad in 2s. On my main i actually took care with who i que (dionysus / purpolz) and yes ive to admit that i was Tryharding in 2s. You are talking about my alts where you beat me ? Lol cmon please it has a reason why i was 400 + rating above you .. and im just talking about 2s now, i won't start talking about 3s because you don't have any xp anyways there. So you call me retail random because i hit only 2.5 ? I hit 2.650 / 2.7 + mmr on a accountplay resto druid but since i can't proof that to 100% and even tho ull ask baz or pewds you won't believe them so let's say im only 2.5 xp. How you dare to judge me when you didnt even play retail ? How you dare to call ANYONE here random while you didn't even play the real game on retail ? It's embarrassing and you are right, stop argueing and leave finally love this thread.
  19. Noneedholy


    ohhh im so god damn good :D i actually wanted to bring you at the point where you start to talk about retail ;D The part with blaston where he got farmed when it did matters and when i queued srs you simply ignore or :D? Anyways dont wanna talk about that anymore because you simply won't understand it i guess. But to your question from retail : http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/character/Aegwynn/Sazzi/advanced That's my retail Character. Yes at this time i was probably better as rdruid and / or war but i still had only a Priest on Retail because i just love playing this class. Anyways i only played Priest in 5s and 2s at the end of S15. Never had a 3s team, just 2s and 5s. I always played 3s with alts from friends or PTR mates who boosted accounts for free on higher rating http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/world-warcraft-trading/3171853-bieten-kostenlosen-windwalker-monk-boost-im-2s-3s-und-5s.html yes it's in german but you can put it in translate and ull understand that we were making acc plays for free just to play funny combs etc. ( also i saw no point trying to go for 3s glad because without mates its simply impossible to hit 2.8) so i thought i'll try it in 5s with autschbatsch etc. easy to understand or ? Now the question WHY i don't play retail and why i sit at bugged private servers : The answer will surprise you even tho that 90% of this forum think exactly like me :D Wod blows totally But it's nice to see how you are going out of arguments and keep talking about blaston etc. while i already explained you before how it was at the end of the Season. If i'm only high rated on a shitty private server, what are you for beeing lowrated on a shitty private server ?
  20. Noneedholy


    First of all, Yes nerdslayer and serenety farmed Coldsiemens and this russian Mage (blastons mate) in 2s which were actually the only mages queueing 2s at this time on highrating. Yes please go resto shaman. People who talk like that have actually no fucking clue. I told you proof it instead of talking bullshit. Yes i just said he beat every mage team except me and baz .. and ? Wheres ur problem its the truth ? Well ye he beat me also once but that doesnt matter atm. dude lol .. i judge people but i guess i'm in a really good position to judge people just say. If i start talking about who i beat and what were my ranks last season here you probs gonna blame me for bragging again so yeah im pretty sure you know all about it already ;D At the end it crystallizes out that you are just a Pala who hit once 2.8 and think hes in a position where he can judge about people now. You don't have to fake at all at paladin on Pandawow ( even tho its totally easy with the haste proccs ) because some heal spells are simply bugged. ( execution sentence for example) not to mention blinding light through Pillars. You call people trash who don't have macros to target enemys ? I also click nameplates to target enemys (if you meant that, not sure) And it was still enough to reck you. God sake rofl
  21. Noneedholy


    I was obviously talking about Mage + heal combs, not my problem if you simply don't get the god damn Point. I just get pissed off that you try to judge people on here while playing a class which every tard plays till 50% dampening against me rofl ... Try to play pala in 3s on Highrating here and you get respect. I'm not talking about Holy shock, it's the same with warriors, theres smth that is bugged but deep inside the formulas and not that easy to find / test just say. (beside of the bugged execution sentence) I already explained you how you got highrating so stop bragging about it now. Pujo is still trash, doesnt matter what you wanna tell me. Saw him playing, rekt him and always facepalmed myself after i saw his mmr. Just stop judging people after u was 2.8 in a god damn comb-based tryhard bracket.
  22. Noneedholy


    I was 2.6 when i sold my Pala. He beat blaston and Kaillyx. This guys are even losing to Rsham + warrior combs and get farmed against me and pewds ( for example nerdslayer + serenety farmed every mage team except me and baz last s.) Kailly and blaston are utter shit. And no this Hunter is totally dogshit. You gained rating while playing with a abusing Hunter and a WW who does completly absurd DMG. WW monk is beyond broken here, believe it or not. I'll soon start playing ww + Hpriest with a retail mate here ;D And yes Pala is bugged, played it by myself and it was funny how broken the healing output is in dampening. Edit: Pujo is one of the worst player. He can't even interrupt properly and you are wondering why he get hated ? He calls other people shit and himself best DK who owned everyone in Arena. Still he dont realise that he s trash. Wonder why
  23. Noneedholy


  24. Guess we will never get our titles. R.I.P
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