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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. ЛОЛ ЧТА?, Ok i guess you will put this into google translate anyways since i doubt your iq is high enough to understand english. ANYWAYS i will try to explain you what is going on at this game. As warrior you spam harmstring when you have enough rage against druids Got it ? If not, quit this game because you have simply no clue how things work. Anyways this thread will get declined anyways so GL with it.
  2. Check your wowcircle thread about the DK bug btw. /up'd it. Hope it will get fixed soon
  3. Use mirrors before the duel start and use them again after it starts (due resetting cd's) aaaaand there we go. Stop making fake reports.
  4. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Can you get a brain please ? This thread is cringe LMAO makes me wanna kill myself if i read all that bullshit that you tried to proof here.
  5. If you look correct, you get 5% on every gem, enchant etc. so ye its working as intended. (not sure if it should work like that ) but thats how it works atm.
  6. There are way more important druid bugs atm. Like that shroom get aoe killed :/
  7. So you buy characters without checking if they really have a glad title ? Well self owned id say lel
  8. It shouldn't be affected by battle fatigue, its a percentage heal. Pujo stop making reports, you are just bad
  9. wooooooooooooooooooooow your knowledge about this server is almost zero ... please keep out here lol
  10. Even tho they would check this suggestion and would say that they will work on it. There is no reason to trust the staff anymore :/ sadly
  11. wrong. Pet is affected by PvP resillience etc. It acts like a player so yes, you abused.
  12. I'll sign in. But i can't be sure that everyone is there so i maybe have to replace abit (maybe) due that we don't know the date yet. Team name : Burn the juice Team leader : :warrior: Markzxy :druid: Noneedrdrood Members : :warrior: Markzxy (arms) :mage: Tinybaz (fire) :shaman: Ðionysus (resto/ele) substitute : :druid: Noneedrdrood (resto) compositions : WMS :warrior: :mage: resto :shaman: or shatter cleave ele :shaman: :mage: resto :druid: Fun realm everyone got 3.2k + max cr (in case you want to see the acm)
  13. They don't have time for their own server top kek.
  14. Noneedholy

    Arena bug

    can some fucking retards fix this ? It makes this server SO BAD ... People can easily dodge & wintrader but hey, just don't fix it and let ppl do that the whole day.
  15. Can you finally pay attention on bugs which are REALLY important ? useless devs ffs
  16. Simple as that. There are alot private server which already have a game history. I assume it is in the interest of all making it easier to find wintrader. So my suggestion would be a game history from every character which you could simply find on the homepage. Something like this :
  17. It's for everyone i guess. Login server seems to be down
  18. True, i had no problems today. But its still not fluently. Things like ppl moving during stuns or smth like that still appears. So the MS is not perfect on cross realm, but completly playable.
  19. I can read you like a book lmfao.
  20. They have so much in common lol
  21. Licher noone likes you lel
  22. Noneedholy


    Rip, diaboliques bots not good enough :( http://i.imgur.com/kOTapIQ.jpg
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