Really ? You dont show us that you even care about bugs we wrote. I made reports like 1 year ago which are URGENT and still bugged. You should not wonder about people being upset while you made ur own todo list without asking ur community or smth.
Just say there are some important bugs but by all you forgot every important arena bug at all.
Talking about arena balance ?
You dont lose points when you dont join arena
You get kicked out when you dc in arena
Mmr and rating gain is slowly
Mage orb doesnt move
Runic corruption makes dk beyond op
THIS REPORTS are found in the english section and they are 10/10 / urgent and asap to fix if you want to improve the fun you have on this server.
Even blizzard asked their top pvp player about an opinion back in wotlk so idk where is the problem tbh.
No hate at all but theres a reason ppl are upset. I cant believe you guys didnt know that pathfinding is not working since it got never ever fixed in all the pandawow time
@zeox dont take this aa hate thread but if we talk about pvp, you guys should consider focusing on people who play pvp with a good knowledge on a daily basis here.
Repitch is one, i also made some reports, autschbatsch and also some in the russian section like wexwellence or fineah who have a good knowledge. I remember blizzard asking big pvp streamer like vanguard venrukig etc. In 3.x.x about how to improve pvp. And it went well.
As i said, just a tip
If you want to hear my opinion :
A bug which let dk's almost oneshot during burst ... urgent and super annoying. Anyways zeox thanks for listening