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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy


    Wrong. I got 4 R 1's and 2x glad already. You got nothing at all. Still trying to get titles due kickbotting and PQR. GJ retard you still blow on low mmr. You farm me ? Beating a destro+ war team as kfc gj sir i dont want to mention how enjoyable it was for me to farm you while playing on my mage LOL M8 when ur getting farmed by alts even tho ur botting, you should shut your mouth once for all. Ye you got rival because you are trash. This title reflects ur skill bro. It was even too emberrassing to show this title on retail but Pandawow ? Cmon lol Trying to tell me you dont tryhard ? Theres nothing more tryharding than trying to get rating with bots you useless rat
  2. Why do you up this useless thread ?
  3. Noneedholy


    The day diabolique gonna realize that hes wasting his life here and noone gives a sht about him Falling in deep depression and commit suicide. ^best case scenario
  4. Noneedholy


    Our 40 y/old dad is triggered lel. Diabolique btw wheres ur title ? Oh lol wait ...
  5. nop, fenemore used runic corruption at the end when he claimed to 3k.
  6. And again your comment is beyond trash. You didnt understand 1 word from the report nor you have a clue how runic corruption is bugged. IF you would have a clue about the bug, you would know that RC is like blood tap x3 atm. Again you proofed it that you have no idea about your own class. And no, if bloodtap is fixed we only have to fix small issues like resillience etc. And ppl like you actually need a brain to get ratin End of the story
  7. No, im getting sad about ppl like you who play their class below 2k retail skillcap and still manage it to win games. Even tho dk is op like that you dare to cry about things like dk should do more dmg and runic corruption is "bugged" in a bad way now. Just wait, RC is still beoken and more fixes will follow. Disgusting and ppl like you should not get access to the DK report section. Honestly, ur game knowledge shows me you never played retail DK high enough to understand what i am (and many others) are talking about
  8. Noneedholy


    LUL less mmr as kfc than destro + war #selfowned
  9. Didnt find mine ... Can you update it with my ip pls ?
  10. Ah ye sorry, forgot how retarded mw on Panda is
  11. As far as i know, spirit is your worst stat as MW (almost) So maxbe think about PvP power instead.
  12. since your arena XP is beyond shit you are not able to talk about anything regarding PvP rip
  13. Idk why you cry like eles arent viable here lol
  14. Well i cant play the next 10-12 days so prob only 5 teams lel
  15. 3/10 no shadowpriests in 2s nor in 3s
  16. Lol ye dont even try it. Pzjo ignores everything you say, he will keep spamming bullshit.
  17. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA i expected smth like that Dks crying around bcuz smth got fixed lmao
  18. Bg : gillneas Most funny bg back in Rbg times. Arena : 2s tol'vir since enemy team wont win only due dampening. Also makes double dps rly good 3s nagrand obv just the most balanced one which isnt to small nor too big
  19. Why do i think u have like 100 second forun accounts with vpn just to desperatly try to teoll in the forums triggar? And ur the only1 upping this posts Ye your life must be sad
  20. That was my suggestion just on a 2nd acc :P
  21. /push ! Zeox what u think ?
  22. Give him a 2nd chance and meanwhile he keep talking trash in another thread Tiggar you are a poor little child sitting in his moms basement and trashtalking ppl. get real
  23. Adopted child, noone likes you nor trust you because everyone already knows you only talk Bs
  24. First of all its not hard to see this guy fakes my account but hey, i already figured out that ur not that clever. 2. Hearing that from a wintrader is fun since i play constantly above 3k cr and you ? Cmon man theres no reason that you even take the word "rank" in your mouth nor talk about anything that has to do with PvP Also the report got declined so your these is bs Just stop, you make urself look hilarious Kroz i really don't know whats wrong with you but you should first think about and then write smth.
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