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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Oh felxprod is talking about english grammar now. Thats gonna be fun lmao ... keep going pleb. Take your friend tiggar and leave ... noone cares. Cogman, id be up to join, could u tell us faction and realm ?
  2. Noneedholy

    Warr/BM DMG

    Yeah, just wanted to point on that report which was made about the passive from dk's. Thats btw the only reason why they are oneshotting you atm. We can just hope that they might fix it some day
  3. Noneedholy

    Warr/BM DMG

    I would not really say it's pointless since it's clear that warrior, DK and Bm are huge problems on Pandawow right now. http://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=565542&page=2&highlight=%D0%A0%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%87%D0%B0 Dk got already reported there as you can see. If somebody would care now we could start making this server great lel
  4. Noneedholy

    Arena bug

    Lets just bump this multiple times per day. Who cares
  5. Noneedholy


    get abit knowledge before judging anything thanks. Diabolique is kickbotting since ages and no, That "kickbot" in tmorph makes you avaiable to kick only 1 cast which makes it completly useless so stop even trying it
  6. Noneedholy

    Arena bug

    Half year has passed and a Major arena bug doesn't get fixed on a PvP server. Nice Pandawow, nice !
  7. Noneedholy


    When is this kickbotting son of a bitch diabolique finally getting perm banned and erased from this community ? Can't say how cancer it is to always face another one from his Hunters just to get kicked within a millisecond. Ye lebensborn is his new hunter now. Worthless son of a bitch working the whole day and selling oranges just to buy new hunters & pqr scripts. Congratz diabolique you are finally the worst and most disgusting player on this shit server confirmed. Fucking really .. get a god damn life. The only reason why you are still able to play here is because this staff is so god damn greedy for money. So sad that you recognize him by the kickbots. Anyways still he get farmed and stucks on low mmr. Noone can explain how you can be that trash really. Hope someday Pandawow admins gonna realize what a pleague you are and delete everyone from your characters what would also mean your life.
  8. We need more TSG's. Not cancer enough yet
  9. Noneedholy


    It's a BM hunter hello ?
  10. I dont like the idea to give half of the server Glad & R1 titles ...
  11. If you really made it by urself gj. Only because i dont know how hard that is. Anyways, to be honest i would never listen to smth like this so it gives a sad 3/10 (10 is best ofc)
  12. Noneedholy


    Arcane mage PogChamp
  13. Even that this guy gets Gladiator triggers me. Lost as MW war to Holypal mage in 3 minutes ...
  14. Noneedholy


    Never do above 90k icelances (in the opener) so yeah. Ice lance dmg is fine but hey .. there are some retarded BM hunter who simply dont have a brain
  15. Noneedholy


    yeye BM Hunters here. Even that screen proofs enough how hard they are carried by bugs even tho their game knowledge is almost zero.
  16. Wasnt amiko the guy who wintraded with his own alt ? (flurryrage) smth like that. lol /ironie
  17. lol fuck .. that was my secret by finding good mates for 2s and 3s .. why did you tell them ? srs
  18. idk if its ur english or if you are just retarded sorry for that toxicity but yeah ..
  19. http://ci.memecdn.com/422/5134422.jpg
  20. Yeah just dont give prices for the season because some retarded monks dont know how to play fair Kappa
  21. ^ 10/10 obv. lets bring some good rap in here.
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